S.No.DatedCircular NumberDescriptionDownload File
338 09-08-2024 IA3-3/45/2021-IA.III Circulation of the Judgement dated 07.03.2024 of Hon'ble High court of Patna in C.W.J.C No.11181 of 2021 in the matter titled Abhay Kumar Vs Union of India & Ors-reg
337 24-07-2024 IA3-22/3/2024-IA.III Inclusion of condition in all Environmental Clearance letters (ECs) with regard to the tree plantation campaign "Ek Ped Ma Ke Naam"-reg
334 28-03-2024 F. No. 3-70/2020-IA.III [141127] Compliance of the Judgement dated 21/03/2024 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal Nos 1628-1629 of 2021, Noble M. Paikada Vs Union of India – reg.
333 19-04-2024 F. No. 19-206/2018-IA.III [E?113737] Processing of Environmental Clearance, Coastal Regulation Zone Clearance, Forest Clearance and Wildlife Clearance cases during the period of Model Code of Conduct(MCC), imposed by the Election Commission of India
332 15-03-2024 IA3-22/11/2023-IA.III (E 208230) Extension of time period for compliance of order dated 07.12.2022 passed by Hon’ble NGT in O.A.142 of 2022 in the matter of Jayant Kumar vs. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
331 15-01-2024 No. IA-22/01/2021-IA-III- Part (1) Standard Operating Procedure [SOP] for dealing mining proposals under Ministry’s OM dated 28.04.2023 on PARIVESH portal
330 08-01-2024 IA3-3/4/2024-IA.III [E 230791] Stay imposed by Hon’ble Supreme Court with reference to the SOP dated 7th July 2021 and OM dated 28th January 2022 – reg.
329 08-12-2023 No.IA3-19/126/2021-IA-III [E-167221] Reforms undertaken in PARIVESH 2.0 for dealing with Category B proposals in SEIAA/SEAC
328 06-12-2023 J-13012/8/2009-IA.II(T) Amendment in Environmental Clearance for change in coal source by Thermal Power Plants - reg.
327 03-11-2023 IA3-22/19/2023-IA.III [E226246] Clarification on the time period within which the Environmental Clearance (EC) has to be transferred after transfer/ acquisition/ demerger/ change in name etc., of the Company- reg.
326 03-11-2023 IA3-22/11/2023-IA.III (E-208230) Clarification with reference to Ministry’s OM dated 28.04.2023 in Compliance of order dated 07.12.2022 passed by Hon'ble NGT in O.A.142 of 2022 in the matter of Jayant Kumar vs. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change - reg.
325 27-09-2023 IA3-22/18/2023-IA.III(E-223179) Constitution of Expert Advisory Committee for deliberating on various Policy related issues of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006-regarding
324 18-09-2023 F.No IA-22/01/2021-IA III Standard Operating Procedure for Registration of Project Proponent on PARIVESH 2.0
323 21-08-2023 F. No. 3-70/2020-IA.III [141127] Monitoring and enforcement mechanism for the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP)/environmental safeguards issued for (i) Extraction or sourcing or borrowing of ordinary earth for the linear projects such as roads, pipelines, etc. and (ii) dredging and de-silting of dams, reservoirs, weirs, barrages, rivers and canals for the purpose of their maintenance, upkeep and disaster management - reg.
322 14-08-2023 F. No. IA3-22/33/2022-IA.III[E 188159] Specific Terms of Reference (ToRs) for Pump Storage Projects - reg.
321 02-08-2023 F.No. IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III[E 177258] Procedure for consideration of Category 'B' proposals at Central level due to the non-functionality or delay in constitution of SEIAA/SEAC - reg.
320 28-07-2023 F. No IA3-22/14/2023-IA.III[E 218163] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Nofication 2006 for manufacturing Green Ammonia/Green Hydrogen - reg.
319 18-07-2023 J-12011/EAC/2010-IA.I(R)Pt1 [E 136769] Extension of the tenures of EAC for RIV, Thermal, Coal Mining, Infra-1 and CRZ Sectors as per the provisions of EIA Notification 2006 - reg.
318 12-07-2023 F. No. 3-70/2020-IA.III [141127] Clarification on the exemption from EC provided vide Notification S.O. 1224 (E) dated 28.03.2020 for dredging and desilting of dams, reservoirs, weirs, barrages, river and canals for the purpose of their maintenance, upkeep and disaster management - reg.
317 28-04-2023 F. No. IA3-22/11/2023-IA.III [E-208230] Compliance of order dated 07.12.2022 passed by Hon'ble NGT in O.A.142 of 2022 in the matter of Jayant Kumar vs. MoEFCC - reg.
316 20-04-2023 F. No. IA3-22/6/2023-IA.III [E-20444] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for manufacturing of welded piper and seamless tubes-reg.
315 13-04-2023 F. No. IA3-22/7/2023-IA.III [E-204714] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification, 2016 for manufacturing of Alkenyl Succinc Anhydride (ASA)- reg.
314 29-03-2023 F.No.IA3-22/8/2023-IA.III [E205497] Advisory to adhere to the SoP dated 7th July 2021 issued by the Ministry for identification and handling of violation cases under EIA notification 2006 -reg.
313 06-02-2023 F.No.IA3-22/40/2022-IA.III [E198668] Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for Environmental safeguards to be followed while constructing and operation of all Highway projects which are exempted upto 100 km from line of control or border -reg.
312 17-01-2023 No. IA3-19/95/2021-IA-III Corrigendum to EC letter for the correction of factual information in System generated EC cover page -reg.
311 09-01-2023 F.No. 22-28/2020-IA.III [E 141622] Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for manufacturing organic products from plants through extraction process rather than chemical synthesis - reg.
310 13-12-2022 F.No. IA3-22/28/2022-1A.III [E 181584] Clarification on the amendment to EIA Notification 2006 issued vide S.O. No. 1807(E) dated 12/04/2022 with regard to validity of Environment Clearance - reg.
309 08-11-2022 F.No.No.IA3-3/87/2022-IA.III [E 184931] Order dated 18/10/2022 of Hon'ble NGT (PB) in OA No. 462/2022 (PB) titled Rajeev Suri vs. Union of India - reg.
308 12-10-2022 F.No. 22-47/2018-IA.III [E 114368] Clarification regarding applicability of Environment Clearance for maintenance of Airports under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 - reg.
307 04-10-2022 F.No. 19-131/2019-IA-III [E 128798] Clarification regarding Gazette Notificaton No. S.O. 3252 (E) dated 22.12.2014 on applicability of Environmental Clearance - reg.
306 27-09-2022 F.No.IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III [E 177258] Procedure for transfer of proposals from Central Level to State Level and vice versa - reg.
305 08-08-2022 F.No. 3-70/2020-IA.III [141127] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for excavation of Ordinary Earth from borrow area for linear projects - reg.
304 01-09-2022 F.No.22-17/2019-IA.III [121076] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification, 2006, for Research and Development (R&D) Activities - reg.
303 17-07-2017 F.NO.22-19/2017-IA.III Revisting of process of prior Enviornment Clearance for Solid Waste Management Treatment and processing facilities - reg.
302 28-07-2022 IA3-22/30/2022-IA.III [E 182415] Direction with regard to imposing penalty on violation cases as per the provisions of the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) dated 7th July 2021-reg.
301 18-07-2022 F. No. 22-23/2018-IA.III [E 1152311] Sensitization of project proponents on implementation of ban on Single Use Plastic (SUP)-reg.
300 05-07-2022 22-23/2018-IA.III [E 115231] Lifting of abeyance on Ministry's OMs, in pusuance to the Order dated 25/02/2022 of Hon'ble Supreme Court
299 14-06-2022 IA3-22/1/2022-IA-Ill [E- 172624] Submission of Six monthly compliance report through dedicated module in PARIVESH-reg.
298 08-06-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III [E 177258] Requirement and validity of Certified Compliance Report (CCR) issued by the IROs of MoEF&CC/MS of SPCBs/ ROs of CPCB-reg.
297 08-06-2022 22-28/2020-IA.III [E 141622] Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for manufacturing of Phosphoric Acid and Sulphuric Acid-reg.
296 08-06-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III [E 177258] Standardizing the validity of baseline data and public consultation reports for submission of proposal within the validity period of Terms of Reference (ToR) under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006-reg.
295 30-05-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III [E 177258] Clarification on preparation of revised EIA/EMP report as per the provisions of Office Memorandum dated 11th April 2022-reg.
294 24-05-2022 IA-J-11013/23/2021-IA-II(I) [E 151411] Applicability of the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 for manufacturing and utilization of Polyurethane Foam-reg.
293 19-05-2022 19-131/2019-IA-III [128798] Clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for Educational Institutions-reg.
292 07-05-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III [E 177258] Special dispensation for consideration of Environmental Clearance for 50% expansion in coal mining projects, within the existing presmises/ mine lease area, without additional land acquisition-reg.
291 06-05-2022 IA 3-22/15/2022-IA-III [Computer No 178038] Mechanism for handling ToR applications for issuing Standard Terms of Reference(ToRs) or referring to EAC/ SEAC through PARIVESH portal-reg.
290 22-04-2022 22-76/2017-IA.III(part)[E 178314] Applicability of the provisions of EIA Notifications, 2006 for manufacturing of Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (LABSA)-reg.
289 05-05-2022 22-118/2017-IA.III [E 94757] Clarification on the applicability of the provisions of EIA Notification 2006 for Lead Acid Battery recycling units-reg.
288 05-05-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III Clarification with regard to non-requirement of EC amendment due to change in conceptual plan arising out of statutory requirements in building and construction sector- reg.
287 27-04-2022 22-17/2021-IA.III Environmental safeguards to be followed while construction and operation of Aerial Ropeways- reg.
286 26-04-2022 IA3-12/1/2022-IA.III Procedure for Clearance of Permissible activities as per the CRZ Notification, 2011 and IPZ Notification,2011- reg.
285 11-04-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III[E-177258] Clarification on calculating the validity of prior Environmental clearance(EC) granted under the provisions of EIA Notificatin 2006, which involve forest land- reg.
284 11-04-2022 IA3-22/10/2022-IA.III[E-177258] Guidelines for granting Environment Clearance(EC) under para 7(ii)(a) of EIA Notification, 2006, for expansion up to 50%, within the existing premises/ mine lease area, without additional land acquistion-reg.
283 05-04-2022 IA3-22/19/2021-IA.III[E-16436] Directions under section 5 of the Environment(Protection)Act,1986 to not to grant or renew CTO unless Environmental clearance, as applicable, has been obtained- reg.
282 01-04-2022 IA3-22/43/2021-IA.III[E-170472] Co-opting an expert from NEERI for specific meetings of EACs and SEACs involving projects which fall in the Taj Trapezium Zone(TTZ) area - reg.
281 25-03-2017 10(36)/2015-EG-II(Vol-V) Data sharing- Compliance of the IT Act,2000 and Aadhaar Act, 2016 - reg.
280 29-03-2022 IA-J-11013/103/2021-IA.II(I)[E169446] Clarification regarding activities which can be undertaken for securing the land prior to grant of Environmental Clearance - reg.
279 29-03-2022 IA-J-11013/103/2021-IA.II(I)[E169446] Procedure to be followed by the project Proponent while surrendering the prior Environment Clearances accorded by MoEF&cc/SEIAA for developmental projects. - reg.
278 29-03-2022 IA-J-11013/53/2021-IA.II(I)[E49797] Amendment of order dated 07th March, 2022 issued for re-constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-II) - reg.
277 21-03-2022 IA-J-11013/103/2021-IA.II(I)[E169446] Clarification regarding the definition of Integrated Paint Industry in the Context of EIA Notification 2006 - reg.
276 07-03-2022 J-11013/53/2007-IA.II(I)[E49797] Re-Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-II) for Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects requiring Environmental Clearance under the Provisions of Environmental Impact assessment Notification,2006 - reg.
275 09-03-2022 22-29/2020-IA.III[E142566] Clarification regarding applicability of Environmental Clearance(EC) for production of Bitumen Emulsion, Modified Bitumen and Road Bond from Bitumen - reg.
274 07-03-2022 IA3-22/43/2021-IA.III[E170472] Co-opting an Expert from NEERI for specific meetings of EACs and SEACs involving projects which fall in the Taj Trapezium zone(TTZ)area- reg.
273 18-02-2022 J-15012/1/2015-UIA-II(I) [E 69599] Re-Constitution of Expert Appraisal Commitee (Industry-I) for Environmental Impact Assesssment of Projects requiring Environmental Clearance under the Provisions of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification,2006- reg.
272 14-02-2022 22-39/2020-IA.III Guidelines for siting industries which are in close proximity with the river- reg.
271 11-02-2022 22-28/2020-IA.III[E-141622] Clarification on the validity of the ECs granted for integrated Projects with captive mines- reg.
270 28-01-2022 22-21/2020-IA.III[E-138949] Observation of Hon'ble Supreme Court with reference to the SoP dated 7th July 2021 for identification and handling of violation cases under EIA Noti- reg.
269 17-01-2022 22/45/2021-IA.III[E-170617] Criteria/Methodology for rating of SEIAAs- reg.
268 15-12-2021 22-1/2019-IA.III[E-116917] EC application form for B2 category Projects- reg.
267 10-12-2021 22-35/2020-IA.III[E-144325] Procedure for handling EC Transfer cases as per the Provisions of S.O 2817(E), Dated the 13th July, 2021- reg.
266 29-11-2021 22-27/2021-IA.III[E-168616] Format for Providing the recommendations for constitution of EAC- reg.
265 29-10-2021 IA3-22/35/2020-IA.III[E-144325] Conducting EAC Meetings at least once in 15 days-strict adherence-reg.
264 20-10-2021 IA3-22/23/2021-IA.III Guidelines for Granting Environmental Clearance(EC) For up to 20% expansion of Iron, Manganese, Bauxite and Limestone, Mining Projects-reg.
263 06-10-2021 IA3-19/95/2021-IA.III Granting of Environment Clearance(EC) with EC Indentification number for Category A and B Project Proposals-Reg.
262 20-09-2021 IA3-22/19/2021-IA.III [E-164361] Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to not grant or renew CTO unless EC, as applicable , has been obtained- reg.
261 07-09-2021 04/01/2021-IA.III [E-164476] Uploading of Environment Clearance (EC) Conditions- Regarding
260 23-08-2021 22/20/2021-IA.III [E-164476] Clarification with regard to Environmental Auditors and reputed institutions for providing'no increase in pollution load certificate' in the context of Notification no. S.O. 980(E) datede 2nd March,2021 - Regarding
259 04-08-2021 4/1/2021-IA.III [E-148683] Uploading of Environment Clearance (EC) conditions - Regarding
258 07-07-2021 22-21/2020-IA.III SoP for Identification and handling of Violation cases under EIA 2006 in compliance to order of Hon'ble NGT in O.A. No.34/2020 WZ - Regarding
257 18-06-2021 22-35/2020-IA.III Streamlining the Essential Details Sought (EDS) by Member Secretaries - Regarding
256 28-05-2021 22-35/2020-IA.III Streamlining the prescription of Environmental Clearances conditions by EACs - Regarding
255 28-04-2021 22-37/2018-IA.III Registration of Complaints through PARIVESH portal - Regarding
254 19-04-2021 22-37/2018-IA.III Complete processing of applications for grant of Terms of Reference(ToR) and Environmental Clearance(EC) only through PARIVESH Portal - Regarding.
253 30-03-2021 22-35/2020-IA.III Declaration about conflict of Interest by Members of Committee - regarding
252 15-03-2021 22-35/2020-IA.III Streamlining the process of granting Environmental Clearances with regard to Essential Details Sought (EDS)- reg.
251 25-02-2021 22-65/2017- IA.III Obligation of the PP to undertake activities committed in the EMP or at any stage of the appraisal of Prior Environment Clearance in lieu of Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) Clarification - regarding
250 23-02-2021 22-37/2018- IA.III Processing of files for grant of Terms of Reference and Environmental Clearance through PARIVESH - reg.
249 22-02-2021 22-35/2020- IA.III Non-compliance of ToR by the consultant/project proponent during preparation of EIA/EMP report- reg.
248 19-02-2021 19-27/2015- IA.III Procedure for dealing with violations arising due to not obtaining a prior CRZ Clearance for permission activities
247 16-02-2021 22-4/2020- IA.III Guidelines on public consultation in respect of mining projects of certain categories being considered under the provision of S.O.1530(E) dated 6th April, 2018.
246 28-01-2021 22-23/219-IA.III Requirement of certification for consideration of proposals for expansion of distillery unity for production of Ethanol intoned for EBP under the provisions of S.O. 345 (E) dated the 17th January, 2019 and S.O. 750 (E) dated the 17th February, 2020 as category B2- Clarification-reg.
245 28-01-2021 22-23/218-IA.III Compliance of order dated 22.09.2020 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of civil appeal dy. No. 19271/2020 in the matter of Gujarat Chambers of Commerce Industry vs central Pollution Control Board &Anr. Reg.
244 28-01-2021 22-33/2019-IA.III Issuance of environmental clearance for the API and Intermediates as single category instead of individual products- reg.
243 30-12-2020 22-35/2020-IA.III Streaming the process of grant of environmental clearances- Rationalization of Essential Details Sought or Additional Details Sought- reg.
242 02-12-2020 22-8/2020-IA.III Distribution of work between Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-II) and Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-III)-reg.
241 20-11-2020 22-35/2020-IA.III Review of the functioning of SEIAAs by Additional Secretary. MoEFCC- reg.
240 18-11-2020 22-35/2020-IA.III Streaming the processed of granting Environmental clearance- reg.
239 12-11-2020 22-28/2020-IA.III Requirement of Public Hearing for Violation cases- Clarification-reg.
238 11-11-2020 J13012/8/2009.IA.II(T) Amendment in Environmental Clearance for Change in coal source by thermal power Plants. Reg.
237 29-10-2020 J13019/91/2006IA.II(T) Clarification regarding coal transportation by Thermal Power Plants in line with Ministry’s Gaz-tic Notification vide s.o.1561 (E) dated 21.05.2020- reg.
236 20-10-2020 22-65/2017-IA.III Implementation of the Office Memorandum dated 30th September 2020 on Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) –regarding.
235 30-09-2020 22-65/2017-IA.III Deliberation on the commitments made by project proponent and requirements to address the concerned raised during the public consultation and prescribe as specific conditions (S) while recommending the proposal, for prior environment clearance, in recommending the proposal, for prior environment clearance, in physical terms in lieu of corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) - Regarding.
234 14-09-2020 22-25/2020.IA.III Conducting Public hearing during the CoVID19 Pandemic restrictions-reg.
233 16-07-2020 6-60/2020WL Part (I) Procedure for Consideration of developmental projects located within 10 Km of National Park/ Wildlife Sanctuary by standing committee of the National Board for Wildlife Seeking environmental clearance under the provision of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), 2006- Regarding.
232 16-06-2020 A-65013/2/2020-P.I To strengthen Environmental compliance through transparent, Technology driven & non-intrusive monitoring system and to provide a ‘single window’ solution for administration of environmental regulations, a centralized processing Centre- Env. (CPC-Env) is proposed to be set up in the Ministry of Environment, Forest& climate Change.
231 14-05-2020 22-44/2018-IA.III Flexibility in Coal or mineral production of capacity irrespective of calendar plan subject to maximum of capacity granted in the environmental clearance – Clarifications regarding.
230 29-04-2020 22-2/2020-IA.III Pr-embedded prior Environmental/ Forest Clearance for the identified mineral block with proven reserves {Proposed mining leas areas} – Regarding.
229 12-03-2020 22-1/2019-IA.III Grant of standard Terms of Reference (ToR) in respect of expansion proposal and projects located within notified Industrial Estates on acceptance of application in Form-1 within 7 working days, without referring to EAC or SEAC by the Ministry of SEIAA, as the case may be – regarding.
228 05-02-2020 F. No. 3-3/ 2019-IA.III Modalities for seeking one step process of CTE and EC
227 16-01-2020 22-34/2018-IA.III Additional Environment Clearance condition for mining Projects-reg.
226 30-12-2019 F. No. 22-23/2018-IA.III (Pt) Compliance of Hon'ble NGT order dated 19.08.2019 (published on 23.08.2019) in O.A. No. 1038 2018 - reg.
225 20-12-2019 F.No.22-18/2019-4A.111 Clarification on validity of prior environmental clearance granted under the provisions of para 12 of EIA Notification 2006 to the mining projects - reg
224 05-11-2019 F.No. 22-33/2019-IA.III Incidental increase in the production of ethanol due to use of B-heavy Molasses/Sugar cane Juice/ Sugar Syrup/ Sugar without any increase in the total pollution load - requiring of prior environmental clearance under the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 - regarding
223 31-10-2019 F. No. 22-23/2018-IA.III (Pt) Compliance of Hon'ble NGT order dated 19.08.2019 (published on 23.08.2019) in O.A. No. 1038 2018 - reg.
222 16-09-2019 J-13015555 / 17 / 2019 - IA.I(T) Amendment in EC conditions related to sourcing of coal for the TPP in state of Meghalaya
221 30-08-2019 22-37/2018-IA.III Submission of Files through PARIVESH
220 28-08-2019 22-13/2019-IA.III Change in the stipulated conditions of TPPs and coal mines in line with Fly ash notification and stipulated amendments
219 09-09-2019 22-10/2019-IA.III Consideration of Category B violation proposals at the State level as per the provisions of Notification S.O 804 (E) dated 14.03.2017 through lateral entry
218 08-08-2019 F. No. 22-43/2018-IA.III Procedure for consideration of developmental projects located within 10 km of National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary seeking environmental clearance under the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 – regarding
217 12-06-2019 22-23/2018-IA.III Pt Framing of sector specific guidelines to be prescribed in CPA / SPA
216 11-06-2019 F. No. 22-1/2019-IA.I II Application for seeking prior environmental clearance for the projects / activities given in the schedule of ETA Notification, 2006- Form 3-8- regarding
215 23-05-2019 19-84/2019-IA.III Recommendations of Expert Committee on issues related to ground water in pursuant of the directions of NGT in OA 176/2015
214 11-04-2019 F. No. 22-19/2019-IA.III Prohibition on grant of statutory clearances for mineral concessions of Beach Sand Minerals held by private person/company - reg.
213 25-03-2019 F.No.J-11013 /55/2017-IA-11 (I) Increase in number of working days for distilleries - Amendment in Environmental Clearance - reg.
212 20-03-2019 22-28/2018-IA.III Clarification on requirement of Prior EC for CBWTF
211 23-01-2019 22-24/2018-IA.III Exemption of requirement of Thermal Power Plant using Waste Heat Recovery Boilers without any auxiliary fuel etc.
210 08-01-2019 22-34/2018-IA.III Standardization of Environment Clearance conditions for Non-Coal mining sector – reg.
209 04-01-2019 22-34/2018-IA.III Standardization of Environmental Clearance conditions – reg.
208 12-12-2018 L-11011/175 /2018-IA.II(M) Implementation of NGT direction dated 4th September, 2018 & 13th September 2018
207 19-11-2018 J-15011/01 /2018-IA.I(T) Standardization of conditions to be stipulated in the Environmental Clearance for Thermal Power Projects
206 02-11-2018 21-103/2015-IA.III Terms of Reference (ToRs) related to the ground water drawl - regarding
205 06-09-2018 J-11011/294 /2017-IA(I) Oil & gas transportation pipeline – Applicability of the EIA Notification, 2006 – reg.
204 04-09-2018 J-11013/55 /2017-IA.II(I) Increase in number of working days for distilleries – Amendment in Environmental Clearance – reg.
203 09-08-2018 22-34/2018-IA.III Standardization of Environment Clearance conditions – reg.
202 19-06-2018 22-65/2017-IA.III Imposition of Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER)-reg.
201 18-06-2018 Z-11013/49 /2018-IA.11 (M) Clarification for carrying out the mining of minerals including over burden and dump mining as per the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 as amended from time to time-regarding
200 30-05-2018 3-50/2017-IA.III(Pt.) Consideration of mining proposals involving violation of the EIA Notification, 2006 under the provisions of S.O. 804 (E) dated 14.03.2017 and subsequent amendments for ToR/EC – regarding.
199 01-05-2018 22-65/2017-IA.III Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) – reg.
198 27-04-2018 J-11011/321 /321/2016-IA-1 Exemption from Public Consultation for the projects/activities located within the Industrial Estate/Parks-reg.
197 26-04-2018 22-26/2018-IA.III Display of Aadhar related information in online Environment Clearance portal-regarding.
196 20-04-2018 22-8/2018-IA.III Application for seeking prior environmental clearance for the projects / activities given in the schedule of EIA Notification, 2006 regarding – From 2
195 03-04-2018 3-150/2017-IA-III Consideration of proposals for grant of ToR/EC to building construction projects – reg.
194 02-04-2018 22-103/ 2017-IA.III Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for coal tar pitch melting - reg
193 16-03-2018 Z-11013/22/ 2017-IA.II (M) Compliance of the order dated 14th March, 2018 of Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Madras in WMP Nos.3361 and 3362 of 2018, and WMP No.3721 of 2018 in WP No.11189 of 2017 – reg.
192 15-03-2018 Z-11013/22/ 2017-IA.II (M) Implementation of Notification S.O.1030 (E) dated 8th March, 2018 – reg
192 27-02-2018 22-103 / 2017-IA.III Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for coal tar pitch, melting - reg
191 13-02-2018 22-76/2017-IA.III Applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for small scale units of manufacturing of Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (LABSA) as B2 Category regarding
190 29-12-2017 22-124 / 2017-IA.III Approval of site visit by sub-committee of EAC
189 28-12-2017 3-50/2017-IA.III (Pt) Consideration of proposals for ex-post facto environmental clearance to the projects/activities involving violation of the EIA Notification, 2006 - reg
188 25-10-2017 J-11013/71/ 2016-IA.I(M) Compliance to the recommendations of the CAG – reg.
187 23-10-2017 J-11013/41 /2006-IA.III Consideration of Category “B” proposals at the Central level in the absence of duly constituted State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) or State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), etc.
186 18-10-2017 L-11011/77 /2017-IA-III Prior Environmental Clearance for manufacturing of Insecticides – Compliance of the directions of the National Green Tribunal – regarding insecticides.
185 15-09-2017 F.No.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II Environmental Clearance for expansion of Coal Mining Projects - Exemption from Public hearing - regarding
184 07-09-2017 J-11013/6 /2010-IA.II (Part) Environmental Clearance to the expansion projects/activities under the EIA Notification, 2006 – Certified Compliance Report regarding
183 29-08-2017 J-11013/41 /2006-IA-II(I) (Part) Terms of Reference for EIA/EMP studies for the projects/activities requiring Environmental Clearance under the EIA Notification, 2006 – Extension of validity period - Regarding
182 07-07-2017 J-11013/41/ 2006-IA.II(I) Applicability of Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 on Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Power Projects; Solar Thermal Power Plants; and development of Solar Parks
181 15-03-2017 J-13011 / 18 / 2014 – IA.I (T) Delinking of Environment Clearance for Thermal Power Plants from the stage- I FC of linked captive coal block
180 12-01-2017 J-11015 / 109 / 2013 - IA.II (M) Validity of Terms of Reference (TORs) prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA and EMP studies for developmental projects requiring environmental clearance and other related issues – Clarification regarding
179 20-05-2016 J-11013/5 /2010-IA.II(I)) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) - Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial cluster/ area of Chandrapur (MIDC Chandrapur, Tadali, Ghuggus, Ballapur), Maharashtra - regarding.
178 12-04-2016 22-27/2015-IA-III Notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide S.O. No. 1141 (E) dated 29.04.2015 and S.O. No. 2571 (E) dated 31.08.2015 under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding extension of Validity of Environment Clearance – Clarification regarding
177 04-04-2016 J-11013/36 / 2014-IA-1 Exemption from Public Consultation for the projects/activities located within the Industrial Estate/Parks-reg.
176 15-03-2016 Z-11013/8 / 2016-IA.II (M) Clarification regarding considering of EC project for mining of minor mineral-Amendments in the EIA Notification, 2006 dated 15.01.2016 and Constitution of DEIAA/DEAC - Regarding
175 09-06-2015 19-2/2013-IA.III Clarification regarding Gazette Notification No. S.O. 3252 (E) dated 22.12.2014 on applicably of Environmental Clearance – reg.
174 01-05-2015 I-20/2014 / WL (Pt) Consideration of development projects located within 10km of National Park and Sanctuaries seeking environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 – OM issued by IA Division providing clarification – reg.
173 30-03-2015 J-11013/41 / 2006-IA-(I) (part) Consideration of development projects located within 10 km of National Park and Sanctuaries seeking environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 – OM issued by IA Division providing clarification – reg.
172 20-03-2015 J-11011/15 / 2012-IA.II (M) Valid and Subsisting Environmental Clearance
171 10-12-2014 J-11013/36 / 2014-IA-I Exemption from Public Consultation for the projects/activities located within the Industrial Estates / Parks
170 07-11-2014 J-11013/41 / 2006-IA.II. (I)(P) Issues on Appraisal – Clarification
169 29-10-2014 J-11013/57 / 2014-IA.II (M) Impact of mining activities on habitations-issues related to the mining Projects wherein habitations and villages are the part of mine lease areas or habitations and villages are surrounded by the mine lease area regarding
168 09-10-2014 22-83/2014–IA.III Conduct of Public Hearing by the Concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or the Union Territory Pollution Control Board (UTPCC) – No additional studies shall be sought by SPCB
167 08-10-2014 J-11013/41 / 2006-IA.II. (I) Validity of Terms or Reference prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA and EMP studies for development projects requiring environmental clearance and other related issues
166 07-10-2014 22-83/2014-IA.III Seeking additional studies by EACs/ SEACs during appraisal op Project beyond TORs prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 as amended
165 07-10-2014 22-75/2014-IA.III Categorization of EC conditions in the EC document for different phase of implementation of the project
164 07-10-2014 22-76/2014–IA.III Status of land acquisition w.r.t. project site while considering the case EC under EIA Notification, 2006
163 25-09-2014 J-11011/17/ 2014–IA.I (T) Environment (Protection) Amendment rules, 2014-Notification No. G.S.R. 05(E) dated 2ndJanuary, 2014regarding supply and use of coal with ash content not exceeding 34% to coal based Thermal Power plants-compliance
162 02-09-2014 J-11015/30/ 2004-IA.II (M) Guidelines for granted EC for expansion of Coal mining Projects involving on time production capacity expansion in the existing operation
161 01-09-2014 J-11013/5 /2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) –Keeping in abeyance the Moratorium in respect of Coal Mining expansion projects in Chandrapur Critically Polluted Area (CPA)
160 22-08-2014 J-11013/41 /2006-IA.II. (I) (p) Validity of Terms or Reference (TORs) prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA and EMP studies for developmental projects requiring environmental clearance and other related issues- clarification
159 20-08-2014 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of development projects located which 10 km of national part and Sanctuaries seeking environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 clarification
158 11-08-2014 J-11013/25 /2014–IA.I Environment sustainability and CSR related issues-guidelines
157 28-07-2014 J-11015/30 /2004–IA.II (M) Guidelines for granting Environmental Clearance for expansion of Coal Mining Projects involving onetime Production Capacity Expansion in the existing operation
156 25-07-2014 J-21011/58 /2010–IA.II Consideration of proposals from Ratnagiri and Sindhudurge Dist. Maharashtra
155 19-06-2014 J-11013/12 /2013–IA.II (I) Consideration of Project for grant of EC under EIA Notification, 2006 which involves forest land-procedure to be followed-further clarification
154 10-06-2014 J-11013/5 /2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Re-imposing of Moratorium in respect of critically polluted areas namely Ghaziabad (UP), Indore (MP), Jharsugudha (Orissa), Ludhiana (Punjab), Panipat (Haryana), Patancheru – Bollaram (A.P.), Singraulli (UP & MP) and Vapi (Gujarat), and projects/ activities to be allowed in Critically Polluted Area under moratorium
153 02-06-2014 J-11011/15 /2012–IA.II (M) Clarification with regard to requirement of EC for “ Mining of minerals” at the time of mine renewal, under the provision of EIA Notification, 2006 as amended from time to time
152 30-05-2014 J-11015/30 /2004–IA.II (M) Guidelines for granting EC for expansion of Coal Mining Projects involving on time Production Capacity Expansion in the existing operation
151 16-05-2014 J-11013/36 /2014-IA-I Exemption from Public Consultation for the projects/ activities located within the industrial estates/ parks
150 13-05-2014 J-11013/36 /2014-IA.I(M) Consideration of project proposal from Andhra Pradesh in absence of SEIAA/ SEAC
149 07-01-2014 J-11015/30 /2004–IA.II (M) Guidelines for granting EC for expansion Coal Mining Projects involving on time Production Capacity Expansion in the existing operation
148 30-12-2013 J-11013/411 /2006-IA.II (M) Consideration of EC for UMPPs Linked at Captive Coal Blocks
147 24-12-2013 J-13012/12 /2013-IA.II (M) Guidelines for consideration of proposals for grant of environmental clearance EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendments- regarding categorization of Category ‘B’ projects/ activities into Category ‘B1 & B2
146 12-12-2013 J-11012/01 /2013-IA.I. (I) (P) Time limit for validity of terms of references (TORs) prescribed under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 for undertaking EIA studies for developmental project requiring environmental clearance- dispensation for ‘hydroelectric Power Project’ and River Valley Projects
145 03-12-2013 J-11011/01 /2013-IA.I. (I) Streamlining of process of EC and FC cases by Expert Appraisal Committee & Forest Advisory Committee respectively for hydropower and River Valley projects (HEP&RVP)- Names of the Institutes capable for conducting studies
144 19-11-2013 J-11012/01 /2013-IA.I. (I) (P) Time limit for validity of terms of reference (TORs) prescribed under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 for undertaking EIA studies for developmental project requiring environmental clearance- dispensation for ‘Hydroelectric’ Power Project
143 17-10-2013 J-21011/58 /2010-IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals from Ratnagiri and sindhudurg Dist. Maharashtra
142 30-09-2013 J-21011/58 /2010-IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals from Ratnagiri and Sindhudur district, Maharashtra
141 17-09-2013 J-11013/5 /2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) –Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Asansole (West Bengal), Bhiwadi (Rajasthan), Dhanbad (Jharkhand), Haldia (West Bengal), Howrah (West Bengal), Korba (Chhattisgarh), Kanpur (UP), Manali (Tamil Nadu) and Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
140 17-09-2013 J-11013/5 / 2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Re-imposing of Moratorium in respect of critically polluted areas namely Ghaziabad (UP), Indore (MP), Jharsugudha (Orissa), Ludhiana (Punjab), Panipat (Haryana), Patancheru – Bollaram (A.P.), Singraulli (UP & MP) and Vapi (Gujarat), and projects/ activities to be allowed in Critically Polluted Area under moratorium
139 29-08-2013 J-11013/19 /2012-IA.II. (I) Storing the records relating to processing of cases for Environment Clearance and Forest Clearance electronically
138 01-08-2013 J-15012/5/ 2013-–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for grant of EC under EIA Notification 2006, which involve forest land-procedure to be followed-partial Modification
137 31-07-2013 J-21011/58/ 2010-IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals from Ratnagiri and sindhudurg district, Maharashtra
136 01-07-2013 J-11012/32/ 2013–IA.II (M) Integrated Steel Plants and Sponge Iron Plants, which are linked to Iron ore as raw material from mining operation in the Districts of Bellary, Tumkur and Chigadurga in Karnataka
135 27-06-2013 J-11013/41/ 2006-IA.II. (I) Consideration of proposals for TORs/ Environment Clearance/ CRZ Clearance involving violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986/ Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006/ Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011
134 24-06-2013 J-11014/07/ 2011–IA.II (M) Guidelines for consideration of proposals for grant of environment clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 for mining of ‘brick earth’ and ‘ordinary earth’ having lease area less than 5 ha-regarding categorization as Category ‘B2’
133 19-06-2013 21-270/2008-IA. II (I) Environment Clearance for building and real estate projects
132 28-05-2013 J-11013/01/ 2013–IA.II (I) Streamlining of process of EC and FC cases by Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) & Forests Advisory Committee(FAC) respectively for hydropower and River Valley projects (HEP&RVP)
131 04-05-2013 21-270/2008–IA. III (I) Hight Rise Building dated 7th February 2012
130 30-04-2013 J-21013/58/ 2010–IA.II (I) Considetation of proposals from Ratnagiri and sindhudurg Dist. Mahrashtra
129 28-03-2013 J-21011/58/ 2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals from Ratnagiri and Sindhudur Dist. Maharashtra
128 19-03-2013 J-11015/200 /2008–IA.II (M) Consideration of projects for grant of EC under EIA Notification, 2006 which involve forests land procedure to be followed further clarifications
127 19-03-2013 02-30/2012–IA-III Amendment in OM regarding rationalization of procedure for environmental clearance for Highway projects involving borrow areas for soil and earth
126 25-02-2013 J-11013/37/ 2011–IA.II (I)) Consideration of projects regarding calcined Petroleum Coke units for environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006- Clarification
125 05-02-2013 J-11013/41/ 2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects of Thermal Power, Steel Sector for environmental clearance with sourcing of Coal from dedicated Coal Block/ Coal- Further Clarification
124 01-02-2013 11-362/2012 -FC Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forest purposed under the forest (conservation) Act 1980-submission of proposals to obtain approval for diversion of entire forest land located within the mining lease and grant of EC to mining projects
123 19-12-2012 J-11015/30/ 2007–IA.II (M) Guidelines for granting Environment Clearance for expansion of Coal Mining Projects involving on time Production Capacity Expansion of up to 25% in the existing operation
122 18-12-2012 2-30/2011–IA.III Rationalization of procedure for Environmental Clearance for Highway projects Involving borrow areas for soil and earth
121 12-12-2012 J-11013/41/ 2006-IA.II. (I) Consideration of proposals for TORs/ Environment Clearance/ CRZ Clearance involving violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986/ Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006/ Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011
120 04-12-2012 J-11013/41 /2006-IA.II. (I) Standardization of TORs for identified Categories of Projects
119 01-11-2012 19-103/2012 -IA-III Simplification of clearance procedure for SEZs
118 30-10-2012 J-11013/5/2009–IA-II (Part) De-listing of pending projects
117 12-10-2012 06/18/2011-WL(I) Permission for erection of structure within Tillangchong Sanctuary, Andamanand Nicobar Island for temporary use by Indian Navy
116 30-05-2012 J-11011/618/2010–IA-II (I) Consideration of expansion proposals for grant of Environmental Clearance under the EIA Notification, 2006
115 18-05-2012 J-11011/47/2011–IA.II (M) Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 27.02.2012 in I.A No. 12-13 of 2011 in SLP (C) no. 19628-19629 of 2009 in the matter of Deepak Kumar etc. Vs State of Haryana and Ors. - Implementation thereof
114 18-05-2012 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II. (I) Incorporation of Corporate Environment Responsibility in TORs and ECs to be granted by MoEF/SEIAAs under EIA Notification, 2006
113 18-05-2012 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects of grant of EC under EIA Notification, 2006 which involve forest Land-Procedure to be followed-further clarification
112 18-05-2012 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) Institutionalizing Corporate Environmental Responsibility
111 19-04-2012 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects of Thermal Power, Steel Sector, etc. for Environmental Clearance with sourcing of Coal from dedication Coal Blocks/ Coal India Ltd
110 11-04-2012 J-21013/58/2010-–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals regarding Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra
109 30-03-2012 J-11013/5/2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Extension of Moratorium till further orders
108 20-03-2012 J-11013/19/2006-IA.II. (I) Submission of project documents and information for obtaining environment clearance in electronic format along with hard copy-compliance of the order of Central Information Commission dated 18.01.2012. (Part II)
107 20-03-2012 J-11013/19/2006-IA.II. (I) Submission of project documents and information for obtaining environment clearance in electronic format along with hard copy-compliance of the order of Central Information Commission dated 18.01.2012
106 12-03-2012 J-11013/24/2012–IA.II(I) Order of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal dated 24.1.2012 in MA No. 30/2011 arising out of appeal no. 15/2011 in the matter of SatishUmeshPrabhu and Ors. Vs M/s Matoshri Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. and Ors – Compliance thereof
105 08-11-2011 J-11/83/2005–IA.III (I) Removal of sand in the Coastal Regulation Zone area of rivers/ estuaries by manual methods by traditional communities
104 25-10-2011 J-21013/58/2010-–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals regarding Ratnagiri and Sindhudure District. Maharashtra
103 05-10-2011 J-11013/41/2006-–IA.II (I) Integrated Steel Plants and Spong Iron Plants, which are linked to iron ore as raw material from mining operation in the District of Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradurga in Karnataka
102 05-10-2011 J-11013/41/2006-–IA.II (I) Ownership of EIA report and other documents by the project Proponent.
101 30-09-2011 J-11013/77/2004–IAII(I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India (QCI) / National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET)
100 28-09-2011 J-11015/387/2008-–IA.II (M) Adherence to the procedure for conduct of Public Hearing as prescribed in the EIA Notification, 2006.
99 27-09-2011 J-11013/5/2010–IA.II(I) Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) -Extension of Moratorium up to 31.03.2012
98 20-09-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Mining Pojects from the Districts of Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradugra in Karnataka.
97 09-09-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects for grant of environmental clearance under EIA Notification 2006 which involve forestland- further clarification-regarding
96 05-09-2011 J-11013/30/2009–IA.II(I) Development criteria and formulations of guidelines for categorization of non compliances into the category of serious and not so serious – Extension of tenure of the Committee
95 08-08-2011 J-170011/18/96–IA-III Reclassification of Coastal Regulation Zone area on the grounds of “Error apparent on the face of the Record”
94 05-08-2011 J-11013/5/2011–IA.I Reporting by the Regional Offices of MoEF – Instructions regarding
93 18-07-2011 J-11013/04/2011–IA.I Contact information of project proponents to be made part of the Environmental Clearance/ Terms of Reference (EC/TOR) letters.
92 05-07-2011 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) -liftingof Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of (i) Singrauli (Madhya Pradesh Part and Uttar Pradesh Part), (ii) Ib Valley, Jharsuguda (Orissa)
91 04-07-2011 J-21011/58/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of Proposals regarding Ratnagiri and Sindhudug districts, Maharashtra.
90 01-07-2011 J-170011/18/96-IA.III Reclassification of the CRZ areas of Coastal Zone Management Plan approved in 1996 under the CRZ Notification, 1991
89 30-06-2011 J-11013/77/2004-IAII (I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India/ National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET)
88 30-06-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Environment Clearance for setting up of Solar Thermal Power Plants under JNNSM- applicability of EIA Notification, 2006.
87 27-06-2011 19-58/2011-IA.III Out of turn consideration for environmental clearance in respect of Building and Construction Sector Projects having green rating
86 23-06-2011 J-11013/02/2011–IA.II (I) Applicability of environmental Clearance for new/ expansion of existing aluminum recycling project (30,000 MTPA and above).
85 08-06-2011 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II. (I) Applications received for prescribing TORs/grant of EC involving land claimed to be owned by different project proponents- procedure to be followed
84 24-05-2011 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects in respect of critically polluted areas – Applicability of General Conditions to Construction Projects- Clarification
83 23-05-2011 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) –lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of (i) Bhadravati (Karnataka), (ii) Mangalore (Karnataka) and (iii) Greater Kochi (Kerala)
82 19-05-2011 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II. (I) TORs relating to Corporate Environmental Responsibility
81 13-05-2011 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) Applicability of environmental clearance for solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Power Projects
80 10-05-2011 19-58/2011-IA. III Out of turn consideration for environmental clearance in respect of Building and Construction Sector Projects having green rating
79 28-04-2011 J-11013/5/2010–IA-II (I) Consideration of projects in respect of critically polluted areas.
78 26-04-2011 J-11013/41/2006-–IA.II (I) Corporate Environmental Responsibility
77 26-04-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Procedure for consideration of proposals for grant of environmental clearance under the EIA Notification, 2006 which involve Forests
76 06-04-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Stipulation of Additional Conditions in respect of mega Projects already granted Environmental Clearance
75 31-03-2011 J-11015/200/2008-IA.II(M) Consideration of Projects for grant of environmental clearance under EIA Notification 2006 which involve forestland- Procedure to be followed-regarding
74 31-03-2011 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) –lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of (i) AngulTalchar (Orissa), (ii) Faridabad (Haryana), (iii) Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), (iv) Indore (Madhya Pradesh), (v) Junagadh (Gujarat), (vi) Noida (Uttar Pradesh) and (vii) Panipat (Haryana)
73 15-02-2011 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) -liftingof Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of (i) Agra (Uttar Pradesh), (ii) Aurangabad (Maharashtra), (iii) Bhavnagar (Gujarat), (iv) Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu), (v) Dombivalli (Maharashtra), (vi) Ludhiana (Punjab), (vii) Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra) and (viii) Varanasi-Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh)
72 08-02-2011 11-83/2005-IA-III Consideration or projects in pipeline attracting Coastal Regulation Zone notification, 2011 issued vide S.O. No. 19 (E), dated 6th January, 2011 and Island Protection Zone (IPZ) Notification issued vide S.O. 20(E), dated 6th January, 2011
71 19-01-2011 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects of thermal power, steel sector etc. for environmental clearance with sourcing of coal from dedicated coal blocks/ Coal India Ltd- Clarification.
70 03-01-2011 J-21011/58/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals regarding in Ratnagiri and Sindbhudurg district- Maharashrta.
69 31-12-2010 J-11013/77/2004-IAII (I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India/Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET)
68 30-12-2010 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Guidelines for preparation of prefeasibility report for obtaining prior EC in terms of the provisions of EIA notification, 2006
67 24-12-2010 J-11013/41/2006-IA.II. (I) Consideration of Integrated and Inter-linked projects- Procedure
66 16-11-2010 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Proposals involving of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 of EIA notification, 2006 the CRZ Notification, 1991, there under. (2) Corporate Environment Policy
65 01-11-2010 J-11013/77/2004–IA.II (I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality council of India/Accreditation Board of Education And Training (QCI/NABET)
64 01-11-2010 J-11013/41/2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects of Thermal Power, Steel Sector etc. for Environmental Clearance with sourcing of Coal from dedicated Coal Blocks/Coal India Ltd
63 26-10-2010 J-11013/5/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects for EC based on Comprehensive CEPI Extension of Moratorium up to 31.03.2011
62 26-10-2010 J-11013/05/2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/ areas of 9i) Tarapur ( Maharashtra), (ii) PattencherruBollaram (AP), (iii) Coimbatore (Tamilnadu), (iv) Vapi (Gujarat) and (v) Mandi-Govindgarh (Punjab).
61 25-08-2010 J-11013/30/2009-–IA.II (I) Committee constituted to examine the issues relating to Monitoring of projects.
60 19-08-2010 J-11013/41/ 2006-–IA.II (I) Activities which can be undertaken without prior EC clarification
59 16-08-2010 J-21011/58/ 2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals regarding in Ratnagiri and Sindhudug districts, Maharashtra
58 09-08-2010 J-11013/77/ 2004–IAII (I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India
57 06-08-2010 J-11015/627 /2007–IA.II (M) Arpee Iron Ore Mine at village Jambhunatha, Hospertaluka, District Bellary, Karnataka of M/s Smt. R. Mallamma- Suspension of Mining Activities
56 29-06-2010 J-11013/41/ 2009–IA.II (I) The Regional offices of Ministry of Environment and forests have been entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring compliance status of the conditions stipulated while according environment clearance to various development projects under the EIA and CRZ Notification
55 28-06-2010 J-11013/77/ 2004–IAII (I) Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India
54 19-04-2010 J-15012/29 /2010–IA.II (M) Procedure for conduct of public hearing by the State/ Union Territory Pollution Control Boards/ Committees (SPCBs/PCCs) under the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006- Instructions
53 15-04-2010 J-15012/30 /2004-–IA.II (M) Guidelines for Exemption of Coal Mining sector Projects
52 22-03-2010 J-11013/41 /2006-IA.II (I) Time limit for validity of Terms of Reference (TORs) prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA studies for developmental projects requiring environmental clearance
51 22-03-2010 J-13012/116 /2009–IA.II (T) Consideration of expansion projects for environmental clearance in thermal power sector
50 18-03-2010 J-11013/77 /2004–IA.II (I) Terms of References under the EIA Notification, 2006 are hereby informed that final EIA/EMP will be entertained in the Ministry for consideration for the EC, Only if prepared by Consultants/accredited by the National Accreditation Board of Education and Training/ Quality council of India( NABET/QCI)
49 17-03-2010 J-11013/41 / 2006–IA.II (I) Name of the Consultant to be shown along with the project proponent in the minutes of the EACs-instructions
48 15-03-2010 J-11013/5 / 2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of projects for EC based on comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI)
47 11-03-2010 J-11011/97 /2003–IA.II (I) Compensatory plantation for laying the pipeline for transportation of oil and gas in non-forest area
46 25-02-2010 J-11015/33 /2009–IA.II (M) participation of the project during the EAC Meeting Instructions for the Project Proponent
45 24-02-2010 J-11012/03 /2010–IA.II (M) Consideration of proposals regarding mining activity under the provision of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 from the State of Goa
43 22-01-2010 J-11013/10 /2010–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index Implementation thereof
42 22-01-2010 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of proposals relating to change in location after public hearing has been held or after EC has been accorded procedure to be followed
41 18-01-2010 J-11013/41 /2006-IA.II(I) Amendment to EIA Notification, 2006 issued vide S.O 3067(E) dated 1st December, 2009- Implementation thereof
40 13-01-2010 J-11013/45 /2010-IA.II(I) Consideration of Projects for EC based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index Implementation thereof
39 02-12-2009 J-11013/77 /2004–IA.II (I) Accreditation of the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India (QCI) / National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET)
38 02-12-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Procedure for consideration of proposals for grant for environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 which involve forestland and or wildlife habitat
37 20-10-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Expansion Proposals for grant of Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification, 2006
36 30-09-2009 J-11013/10 /2009–IA.I Follow-up of the cases of Environmental Clearance – Revamping of Monitoring Mechanism – Reg.
35 04-09-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Submission of applications for Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 – Instructions for the Project Proponents
34 04-09-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Project for Environment Clearance under EIA Notification, 1994
33 25-08-2009 J-11013/18 /2006–IA II (I) Proposals for environment clearance for the projects located in the Critically Polluted Areas as identified by the Central Pollution Control Board – reg.
32 25-08-2009 J-11013/18 /2006–IA.II (I) Proposals for environment clearance for the projects located in the Critically Polluted Areas (Ankleshwar, Panoli and Vapi) in Gujarat – consideration of proposals for environmental clearance reg.
31 24-08-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects under Clause 7(ii) of the EIA Notification, 2006 – Exemption of Public Hearing – Instructions Regarding
30 21-08-2009 15-3/2009–IA.III Moratorium on expansion of existing ports and initiation of new projects along the coast – Regarding
29 04-08-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Instructions for the Environmental Consultants – Regarding
28 30-06-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Environmental Clearance of Projects under the EIA Notification, 2006 and related matters – Procedure for submission of files and level of decision making – Regarding
27 30-06-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Increasing transparency in disposal of EC cases – Regarding
26 03-06-2009 J-11013/30 /2009–IA.II (I) Mandate / Guidelines of Monitoring to be followed by the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Environment and Forests – Instructions – Regarding
25 03-06-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Consideration of Projects under Clause 7 (II) of the EIA Notification, 2006- Exemption Public hearing- instructions and discrimination
24 27-05-2009 J-20012/01 /2006-IA.II (M) Key parameters to be monitored in respect of Mining Projects by the Project proponents for be monitored in respect of Mining Projects by the Project proponents for putting on their website and for display on display board in the public domain
23 14-05-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Raising of queries in the EAC Meetings – Regarding
22 14-05-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Implementation of the Circulars No.J-11013/41/2006-IA-II (I) dated 22nd September, 2008 and 24th March, 2009
21 29-04-2009 Z-11011/2 /2009–IA-II (I) Time bound issue of Environmental Clearance – Guidelines regarding.
20 24-03-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Increasing transparency in disposal of EC cases.
19 25-02-2009 10-103/2008 –IA-III Locating helipads in Coastal Regulation Zone area – regarding.
18 23-02-2009 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Environmental Clearance of Projects under the EIA Notification, 2006 and related matters – Procedure for submission of files and level of decision making – Regarding
17 04-11-2008 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Instructions for maintenance of transparency and streamlining of procedure for disposal of EC cases in IA Division – Regarding
16 22-09-2008 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 in respect of the Beneficiation Plant
15 22-09-2008 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Environment Clearance of Projects under the EIA Notification, 2006 stipulation of Condition to improve the living conditions of conditions of construction labour at site
14 31-07-2008 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) Environmental Clearance of Projects under the EIA Notification, 2006 and related matters – Procedure for submission of files and level of decision making – Regarding
13 06-05-2008 J-11013 / 56 /2004–IA.II (I) Scrutiny by SPCBs of Draft EIA/EMP Reports submitted by the project proponents for conduction of public hearing in terms of the provision of the EIA Notification, 2006
12 05-02-2008 23/3/2007–IA.III EIA Notification, 2006- Consideration of Proposals of Construction Sector – EC will be issued only after approval of building plan
11 15-01-2008 J-11013 / 41 /2006–IA.II (I) (P) Applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 for Cases where Land has been Acquired before EIA Notification, 1994
10 08-11-2007 J-11013 / 41 / 2006–IA.II (I) Clarification regarding Applicability EIA Notification, 2006 on the projects listed under Aravalli Notification dated 7th May, 1992
9 02-07-2007 J-15013 / 35 / 2007–IA.II (M) Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 on mining leases of 5 hectare (major minerals) and mining leases of minor minerals which have been operating before 14.9.2006
8 02-03-2007 J-15012/59 /2005–IA.II (M) EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006- Interim operational Guidelines till 13th September, 2007 for grant of Temporary Working permission (TWP) in terms of EIA Notification, 1994, as amended on 4th July, 2005
7 15-02-2007 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006-followup action.
6 06-02-2007 J-13011/81 /2006–IA.II (I) Clarification regarding Consideration of Integrated Projects.
5 14-12-2006 J-11013/41 /2006–IA.II (I) EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006 – clarification regarding EIA Clearance for Change in Product- Mix
4 08-12-2006 J-11013 / 41/2006–IA.II (I) EIA Notification 14th September, 2006- Interim Operational Guidelines till 13th September, 2007 in respect of River Valley and Hydro- Electric Power Project applications made under EIA 1994
3 21-11-2006 J-11013 / 41 / 2006–IA.II (I) EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2007 is respect of Categories of Projects which were not in EIA Notification, 1994
2 13-10-2006 J-11013 / 41 /2006–IA.II (I) EIA Notification 14 September, 2006- Interim Operational Guidelines till 13 September 2007 in respect of applications made under EIA Notification, 1994
1 28-10-2004 J-20012 / 11 /98-IA.II(M) Applicability of the EIA Notification, 1994 and expansion, violation, etc.