Ministry of Environment,Forest and Climate Change
Government of India
Online Submission & Monitoring
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"As per the ministry OM F.No. 22-37/2018-IA.III , dated: 25th July 2019 regarding the rollout of PARIVESH at the level of SEIAA , data migration work is going to start from 1st- August-2019 [11:30 AM] till 15-Aug-2019. During this period, SEIAA/SEAC processing authority work for EC/TOR will be stopped . However, proponent can submit the proposal for TOR/EC in the PARIVESH portal.
As per Aadhar Regulations 2016, User Agencies/ Proponents are advised, not to upload any personal/ confidential documents (like Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID etc) at the time of filling the online application
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Fresh TOR
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Monitoring Reports
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All Proposals
Office Memorandum
Addendum to the clarification dated 19th May, 2022 on the applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 for Educational Instittutions 
Uploaded on 26/07/2022
Viewed 3387 times
Registration of complaints through PARIVESH 
Uploaded on 31/05/2021
Viewed 5971 times
Guidelines on Public consultation in respect of mining projects of certain categories being considered under the provisions of S.O. 1530 (E) dated 6th April, 2018 
Uploaded on 17/02/2021
Viewed 4476 times
Streamlining the process of granting Environmental Clearances  
Uploaded on 24/11/2020
Viewed 4624 times
Requirement of Public Hearing for Violation cases 
Uploaded on 13/11/2020
Viewed 4049 times
Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Valley & Hydroelectric Projects-regarding. 
Uploaded on 28/07/2020
Viewed 4135 times
Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Valley & Hydroelectric Project. 
Uploaded on 27/07/2020
Viewed 4047 times
Extension of validity of prior Environmental Clearance for the projects stalled under SWAMIH Investment Fund -I 
Uploaded on 07/07/2020
Viewed 4060 times
Expert Appraisal Committee for appraisal of Infrastructure(Infra-1), CRZ and other miscellaneous projects— Extension of tenure 
Uploaded on 06/04/2020
Viewed 2082 times
Change in conditions stipualated in the EC of Thermal Power Plants and Coal Mines in line with the Fly Ash Notification and subsequent amendments-reg. 
Uploaded on 29/08/2019
Viewed 4353 times
Exemption of environment clearance for Thermal Power Plant using Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHRB) without any auxiliary fuel 
Uploaded on 31/01/2019
Viewed 4160 times
Standardization of Conditions to be stipulated in the Environmental Clearance for Thermal Power Projects. 
Uploaded on 19/11/2018
Viewed 4492 times
Standard EC conditions for 25 sectors 
Uploaded on 09/08/2018
Viewed 6375 times
Clarification for carrying out the mining of minerals including over burden and dump mining as per the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 as amended from time to time-reg. 
Uploaded on 20/06/2018
Viewed 4272 times
Consideration of mining proposals involving violation of the EIA notification, 2006 under the provisions of S.O. 804 (E) dated 14.03.2017 and subsequent amendments for ToR / EC -regarding. 
Uploaded on 30/05/2018
Viewed 3937 times
Exemption of public consultation for the projects/ activities loacted within in Industrial areas / parks 
Uploaded on 02/05/2018
Viewed 3889 times
Form-2 for application for seeking prior environmental clearance for the projects/ activities givn in the schedule of EIA Notification 2006 
Uploaded on 02/05/2018
Viewed 4738 times
Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) 
Uploaded on 01/05/2018
Viewed 4107 times
Display of Aadhar related information in online Environment Clearance portal- regarding 
Uploaded on 01/05/2018
Viewed 6552 times
Consideration of proposals for grant of ToR/EC to building construction projects — reg. 
Uploaded on 04/04/2018
Viewed 3796 times
Clarification on the date of applicability of Notification s.O. (E) 695 dated 04.04.2011 issued by MoEF&CC defining 'Built Up Area' of the project 
Uploaded on 13/07/2017
Viewed 4016 times
Applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 on solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Power projets; Solar Thermal Power Plants; and Development of Solar Parks 
Uploaded on 13/07/2017
Viewed 4579 times
Validity of Terms of Reference prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA and EMP studies for developmental projects requiring environmental clearance and other related issues - clarification regarding 
Uploaded on 19/01/2017
Viewed 4129 times
Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) - Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial cluster/ area of Chandrapur (MIDC Chandrapur, Tadali, Ghuggus, Ballapur), Maharashtra 
Uploaded on 30/05/2016
Viewed 3566 times
Exemption from Public Consultation for the projects/activities located within the Industrial Estates/Parks-reg. 
Uploaded on 11/05/2016
Viewed 3941 times
Notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide 5.0. No. 1141 (E) dated 29.04.2015 and S.O. No. 2571 (E) dated 31.08.2015 under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding extension of Validity of Environmental Clearance-Clarification regarding. 
Uploaded on 21/04/2016
Viewed 4611 times
Clarification regarding considering of EC projects for mining of minor mineral- Amendments in the EIA Notification,2006 and constitution of DEIAA/DEAC 
Uploaded on 15/03/2016
Viewed 4104 times
Unified EIA Notification 2006 with amendments till september 2015 
Uploaded on 09/02/2016
Viewed 9427 times
Environment Clearance by State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority/State Level Expert Appraisal Committee with special reference to buildings and construction sector projects under item 8 (a) and 8 (b) of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.  
Uploaded on 16/11/2015
Viewed 4616 times
Consideration of Projects of Thermal Power, Steel Sector for Environmental Clearance with sourcing of Coal from dedicated Coal Blocks/Coal India/Imported Coal - Further Clarification –regarding 
Uploaded on 02/11/2015
Viewed 4055 times
Launch of Environment Clearance portal for SEIAAs 
Uploaded on 29/06/2015
Viewed 4038 times
Clarification regarding Gazette Notification No. S. O. 3252 (E) dated 22.12.2014 on applicability of Environment Clearance-reg. 
Uploaded on 11/06/2015
Viewed 4887 times
valid and subsisting environment clearnce 
Uploaded on 22/04/2015
Viewed 3959 times
Directions under Section 5 of the E(P) Act, 1986 to not grant or renew CTP unless Environmental Clearance, as applicable, has been obtained 
Uploaded on 21/09/2021
Viewed 7112 times
Constitution of additional Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for Environmental Impact Assessment of projects requiring Environmental Clearance under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 and work distribution between Industry-II and Industry-III - regarding. 
Uploaded on 29/10/2020
Viewed 6309 times
Extension of tenure of Expert Appraisal Committee constituted for appraisal of proposals related to violation of EIA Notification, 2006 
Uploaded on 30/07/2020
Viewed 4648 times
Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Valley & Hydroelectric Projects-regarding. 
Uploaded on 28/07/2020
Viewed 3874 times
Reconstitution of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Infra-1 & CRZ) for Environmental Impact Assessment of Infrastructure Development projects requiring Environmental Clearance and/or CRZ Clearance under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 and CRZ/IPZ Notification, 2011, as amended from time to time 
Uploaded on 14/07/2020
Viewed 4369 times
Order of Reconstitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for Thermal Power and Coal mining projects-MoEFCC 
Uploaded on 10/07/2020
Viewed 3673 times
Expert Appraisal Committee for appraisal of Infrastructure(Infra-1), CRZ and other miscellaneous projects— Extension of tenure 
Uploaded on 06/04/2020
Viewed 3184 times
Amendment in EC conditions related sourcing of coal for the TPPs in the State of Meghalaya in pursuant to the proceeding of the Committee Constituted by Hon'ble NGT held on 25.03.2019-reg. 
Uploaded on 18/09/2019
Viewed 3537 times
Re-Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (Infra-2 Sector) for Environmental Impact Assessment of projects requiring Environmental Clearance under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006, as amended - regarding. 
Uploaded on 09/01/2019
Viewed 4169 times
Reconstitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (Non-coal Mining Sector) for Environmental Impact assessment of projects requiring prior environmental clearance under the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 
Uploaded on 03/01/2019
Viewed 3627 times
re-constitution of EAC industry 1 under the provision of EIA notification ,2006 . as amended corrigendum regarding. 
Uploaded on 14/12/2018
Viewed 3603 times
Withdrawal of Show-cause Notice to the consultants M/s Envomin Consultant (P) ltd. Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. 
Uploaded on 17/09/2018
Viewed 3492 times
S.O.3611(E) dated 25.07.2018- Format for preparation of District Survey Report on mining of minor minerals other than sand. 
Uploaded on 31/07/2018
Viewed 4846 times
Show cause Notice to the Consultants M/s J.M. Environet Pvt ltd gurugram Haryana 
Uploaded on 02/05/2018
Viewed 3770 times
Additional Study of CIA and CCS of Subansiri River Basin in Arunachal Pradesh for development of HEP 
Uploaded on 13/04/2018
Viewed 3282 times
Withdrawal of debarment of the M/s B.S. Envi-tech(P) Ltd. 
Uploaded on 10/04/2018
Viewed 3474 times
Compliance of the order dated 14th March, 2018 of Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Madras in WMP Nos.3361 and 3362 of2018, and WMP No.3721 of 2018 in WP No.11189 of2017 
Uploaded on 16/03/2018
Viewed 3681 times
Implementation of Notification S.0.1030 (E) dated 8th March, 2018 
Uploaded on 16/03/2018
Viewed 3787 times
Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for Infrastructure and CRZ projects 
Uploaded on 06/10/2017
Viewed 3236 times
Terms of Reference for EIA/EMP studies for the projects/activities requiring Environmental Clearance under the EIA Notification, 2006 - Extension of validity period - regarding. 
Uploaded on 01/09/2017
Viewed 3950 times
Kameng river basin study recommendations 
Uploaded on 01/08/2017
Viewed 3367 times
Clarification on applicability of EC for Solid Waste Management Treatment and Processing facilities. 
Uploaded on 05/07/2017
Viewed 3791 times
Constitution of Additional Members of EAC (Thermal and Coal Mine) 
Uploaded on 02/06/2017
Viewed 3374 times
Reconstitution of SEIAA Tamilnadu 
Uploaded on 04/05/2017
Viewed 3323 times
S.O 805(E) dated:14.03.2017 - Process for appraisal of TOR/EC projects under violation of EIA Notification, 2006 
Uploaded on 16/03/2017
Viewed 4031 times
Reconstitution of Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority  
Uploaded on 17/02/2017
Viewed 3456 times
Reconstitution of Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority  
Uploaded on 17/02/2017
Viewed 3246 times
Notification for Construction of Memorial in the honour of Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Mumbai on Indu 6 Mills land 
Uploaded on 28/12/2016
Viewed 3412 times
Reconstitution of Daman and Diu Coastal Zone Management Authority  
Uploaded on 27/12/2016
Viewed 3559 times
Reconstitution of EAC for River Valley & Hydroelectric Projects 
Uploaded on 23/12/2016
Viewed 3382 times
Reconstitution of EAC for Thermal Power and Coal Mine Projects 
Uploaded on 09/12/2016
Viewed 3421 times
Reconstitution of EAC for Infrastructure, CRZ and other miscellaneous projects 
Uploaded on 09/12/2016
Viewed 3366 times
S.O. 3518(E) -Amendment in EIA Notification, 2006 - Product Mix Pet Coke  
Uploaded on 28/11/2016
Viewed 4577 times
Compliance of the directions of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in WP (C) No.7756/2016 
Uploaded on 22/09/2016
Viewed 3837 times
Amendments in the EIA Notification, 2006 dated 01.07.2016 S.O 2269(E) 
Uploaded on 19/07/2016
Viewed 4469 times
Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 
Uploaded on 07/06/2016
Viewed 3845 times
Minutes of the 31st meeting of the National Coastal Zone Management Authority held on 24th May, 2016. 
Uploaded on 07/06/2016
Viewed 3508 times
Draft Notification for violation cases under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 
Uploaded on 30/05/2016
Viewed 4022 times
Reconstitution of National Coastal Zone Management Authority 
Uploaded on 17/05/2016
Viewed 3638 times
Draft notification for amendment in EIA Notification 2006. 
Uploaded on 09/05/2016
Viewed 3544 times
S.O. 648(E) [03-03-2016] : Notification regarding Amendment in EIA Notification, 2006  
Uploaded on 11/03/2016
Viewed 3949 times
S.O. 190(E) [20-01-2016] : Constitution of DEIAA and DEAC for appraising category B 2 project for mining of minor minerals 
Uploaded on 27/01/2016
Viewed 3291 times
S.O. 141(E) [15-01-2016] : Amendment in EIA notification 2006 with respect to mining of minor minerals including sand mining and others 
Uploaded on 25/01/2016
Viewed 12465 times
Reconsitution of Puducherry Coastal Zone Management Authority 
Uploaded on 12/01/2016
Viewed 3124 times
Constitution of Expert Appraisal Committee (2) in the Infrastructure Sector for Environmental Imapct Assessment of Projects requiring Environmental Clearance under Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. 
Uploaded on 22/12/2015
Viewed 3387 times
Inclusion of members in the EAC for Infrastructure building/construction and Industrial estates and other misc. projects. 
Uploaded on 15/12/2015
Viewed 3509 times
Reconstitution of EAC Industry 1 Sector 
Uploaded on 02/11/2015
Viewed 3722 times
Uploaded on 09/07/2015
Viewed 3293 times
Vide order dated 3.7.2015, Dr S.K. Srivastava, Scientist ‘E’ has been posted in IA Division. Dr. S.K. Srivastava, Scientist ‘E’ is hereby posted as Member Secretary for the “Expert Appraisal Committee on Coal Mining, Infrastructure and Miscellaneous Project + CRZ, New Construction Project and Industrial State”. 
Uploaded on 09/07/2015
Viewed 4742 times
Draft notification for amendment in CRZ Notification 2011 for construction of road by way of reclamation in CRZ Area  
Uploaded on 06/07/2015
Viewed 2832 times
EIA Notification 2006 - Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities 
Uploaded on 16/06/2015
Viewed 3024 times
Monitoring of projects in Regional Offices at Nagpur and Ranchi-reg Ref: Ministry's even no. letter dated 20 March, 2015. 
Uploaded on 13/05/2015
Viewed 5781 times
Standard ToR - Scoping in EIA Reg 
Uploaded on 12/05/2015
Viewed 2952 times
Amendment to the CRZ Notification, 2011 - Uniformity/clarity in respect of the applicable norms for the building within CRZ-II area. 
Uploaded on 08/04/2015
Viewed 3192 times
Reconstitution of Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority 
Uploaded on 08/04/2015
Viewed 3631 times
Reconstitution of National Coastal Zone Management Authority 
Uploaded on 08/04/2015
Viewed 3568 times
Reconstitution of Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority 
Uploaded on 08/04/2015
Viewed 3697 times
Amendment to the CRZ Notification, 2011 - Extension of validity of CZMP approved under CRZ Notification, 1991 
Uploaded on 08/04/2015
Viewed 2519 times
S.O.383(E) dated 04.02.2015 - Amendment in CRZ Notification, 2011 - Development of Beach Resort or hotels in CRZ-II - Annexure-III of the Notification 
Uploaded on 05/03/2015
Viewed 3870 times
S.O.382(E) dated 03.02.2015 - Amendment in EIA Notification, 2006 - Linear of Boarder Road projects - Reg. 
Uploaded on 05/03/2015
Viewed 3644 times
S.O.3252(E) dated 22.12.2014 - Amendment in EiA Notification, 2009 (Category 8(a) & 8 (b) ) 
Uploaded on 05/03/2015
Viewed 6554 times
CRZ Clearance - rationalisation of variation in output and activities integral to the approved projects - consideration - reg. 
Uploaded on 05/03/2015
Viewed 4226 times
Workshop for online submission of Applications for Terms of References (ToRs)/Environment Clearance (EC). 
Uploaded on 20/11/2014
Viewed 4270 times
One Day State Level Workshop on Online Submission of Application for Terms of References (ToRs)/Environment Clearance (EC)  
Uploaded on 12/12/2014
Viewed 4895 times
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Minutes of Special Expert Appraisal Committee for non-coal mining projects held on 8th Jan, 2018
Minutes of 1st meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee for projects related to Violation of Environmental Clearance held on 22nd June, 2017
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is scheduled to be held on
Dec 11, 2024 To Dec 11, 2024
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Industrial Projects - 2
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