APPENDIX I | (See Paragraph-6) | CATEGORY - B | | Note : If space provided against any parameter is inadequate,Kindly upload supporting document under 'Additional Attachments if any' at the last part of the Form1. Please note that all such Annexures must be part of single pdf document. | (I)Basic Informations | | | Whether proposal involved violation of EIA notification | No | | Weather Consent to Establishment Obtained | NA | | Upload copy of CTE | NA |
| 1. | Name of the Project | Kuthambakkam and Ananganallore Sand Quarry | | Proposal No | SIA/TN/MIN/77645/2022 |
| 2. | Project Sector | Non-Coal Mining |
| 3. | Location of the project | S.F. No.1 (P) & 213 (P) in Kuthambakkam and Ananganallore Village, Gudiyatham Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu |
| | | 6. | State of the project | Tamil Nadu | | Details of State of the project |
---| | State Name | District Name | Tehsil Name |
(1.) | Tamil Nadu | Vellore | Gudiyatham | | 7. | Town / Village | Gudiyatham/Kuthambakkam and Ananganallore | | 8. | Plot/Survey/Khasra No. | 1 (P) & 213 (P) | | 9. | S. No. in the schedule | 1(a) Mining of minerals
| 10. | Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number or wells to be drilled | 117618 ha. | | 11. | New/Expansion/Modernization | New | | | 12. | Category of project | B | | 13. | Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify | No | | 15. | Does it attract the specific condition? | No | | 16. | Is there any litigation pending against the project? | No | | 17. | Nearest railway station along with distance in kms. | Melalathur railway station, 2.79 km | | 18. | Nearest airport along with distance in kms | Chennai International Airport, 139 km | | 19. | Nearest Town/City/District Headquarters along with distance in kms | Vellore , 27 km | | 20. | Distance of the project from nearest Habitation | 0.11 , 0.11 km | | 21. | Details of alternative sites examined shown on a toposheet | No | |
| 22. | Whether part of interlinked projects? | No | | | 23. | Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the Forest (Conservation)Act,1980? | No | | | 24. | Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the wildlife (Protection)Act,1972? | No | | | 25. | Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the C.R.Z notification,2011? | No |
| 26. | Whether there is any Government Order/Policy relevent/relating to the site? | No | |
| 27. | Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? | No | |
| 28. | Project Cost(in Lac.) | 45 |
29. | Mining lease area (in ha.) | 11.70 |
30. | Whether the proposed project/activity located in notified Industrial area(Yes/No) | No |
| 1 | Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details there of (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 1.1 | Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) | Yes | The proposed project is made for excavation of Sand to remove any obstacles on the flow direction of the river and recharging on neighboring open wells. (No major excavation or quarry or any land damage involved in this project except removal of a thin layer of 1.0m of sand. The land is river basin, now uneven &irregular shape of the poramboke land.
There will be no permanent or temporary change in land use. | 1.2 | Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings? | No | There is no necessity for clearance of existing lands like pumping schemes, bridges, buildings and vegetation etc., | 1.3 | Creation of new land uses? | No | The site itself a part of river basin. It will be used to recharge the open wells and nearest kanmoi. | 1.4 | Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore houses, soil testing? | No | Not applicable, as it is sand mining project. | 1.5 | Construction works? | No | The scope of any construction work does not arise in this project. | 1.6 | Demolition works? | No | The scope of demolition work does not arise in this project. | 1.7 | Temporary sites used for construction works or housing of construction workers? | No | Housing facility is not provided for the labourers as people in the nearby villages will be employed. | 1.8 | Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures,cut and fill or excavations and fill or excavations | No | The project does not involve any construction process. | 1.9 | Underground works including mining or tunneling? | No | Quarrying is proposed in open cast. No underground works will be involved. | 1.10 | Reclamation works? | No | Reclamation work is not involved. It is a river channel as sand is transported and covered by during the rainy season. | 1.11 | Dredging? | No | No Dredging is involved. | 1.12 | Offshore structures? | No | No Offshore structures are constructed. | 1.13 | Production and manufacturing processes? | Yes | 1) Temporary approach roads will be formed connecting the existing road.
2) There is no Top soil removal.
3) The Sand containing rounded grains of fine and coarse sand will be transported to the private\public uses. Totally 117618m3is permitted by the Dept. of Geology and Mining, Vellore for a period of One Year from the date of execution. | 1.14 | Facilities for storage of goods or materials? | No | The material will be loaded directly to the consumer by Tipper. No storage of goods or materials shall be stored with in this mining area. | 1.15 | Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents? | No | There is no waste material or no liquid effluents and no waste water will be generated from the quarrying process. | 1.16 | Facilities for long term housing of operational workers? | No | No housing facility will be provided, as labourers from the nearby villages will be employed for the mining operation | 1.17 | New road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation? | Yes | Temporary approach roads will be formed connecting the existing road and quarry site by using overburden. | 1.18 | New road, rail, air water borne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? | No | The existing transport facilities in the project area will be utilized. No new interlinked rail, air waterborne or any other transport facilities will be utilized. | 1.19 | Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? | No | The project will not cause any changes in the existing traffic movements. | 1.20 | New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines? | No | The project does not involve diversion of transmission / pipe lines. | 1.21 | Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? | No | There is no Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment needed and there will be no changes in hydrology of watercourses or aquifers. | 1.22 | Stream crossings? | Yes | The Site is itself in River Basin. | 1.23 | Abstraction or transfers of water from ground or surface waters? | No | It is a shallow quarrying or removal of 1.0m depth of Sand. No change in ground water/surface water flow direction. | 1.24 | Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off? | No | There won’t be any changes in the water bodies or the land surface. | 1.25 | Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning? | Yes | The workers will be using their own conveyance for commuting to the quarry during operation. Since there is no construction or decommissioning involved in this project, there is no need of transport of personnel or materials. | 1.26 | Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works? | No | No Long-term dismantling or decommissioning is involved in this project. | 1.27 | Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? | Yes | The excavated area will be used as rain and flood water free flowing without any obstacles direction to augment ground water level which gives positive impact on the environment. | 1.28 | Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently? | No | Only the labourers working in the site and the drivers of the consumer vehicles will be entering the site on temporary basis during the quarry operating time. (7.00 am to 5.00 pm). | 1.29 | Introduction of alien species? | No | There is no introduction of alien species. | 1.30 | Loss of native species or genetic diversity? | No | No loss of native species or genetic diversity will occur. | 1.31 | Any other actions? | Yes | Environmental measures to be adopted shall be,
i) Dust control at source while loading and haul roads.
ii) Avoid over loading and deepening the site beyond the permitted depth.
iii) Land degradation by undulation should be avoided. As practically as possible, the Sand should be removed in a uniform layer.
iv) Emission test of vehicles should be in-tack to maintain minimum emission level of flue gases,
v) Noise level should not exceed 75 dB and the vehicles should use only permitted Air Hor | | 2 | Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 2.1 | Land especially undeveloped or agricultural land (ha) | Yes | The mining area of 11.70.0 Hectares is of Palar river. It is dry, barren, uneven and unfit for any other use. It becomes fit for free flowing of river water by means of sand mining. | 2.2 | Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD | Yes | Water requirement shall be 5.0KLD per day.
a) Drinking and Utilities 2.0KLD b) Dust suppression and Green belt of water 3.0 KLD | 2.3 | Minerals (MT) | No | The mineable reserve is estimated as 188189MT or 117618m3up to 1m below the River bed level. Shoal is calculated as 618m3(average height of shoal is 0.005m). | 2.4 | Construction material – stone, aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT) | No | The proposed project is a removal of Sand from a Palar river basin; it does not involve any usage of construction materials. | 2.5 | Forests and timber (source – MT) | No | There is no forest and timber is used. | 2.6 | Energy including electricity and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT),energy (MW) | Yes | Loading of sand shall be done by Poclain/excavator into Tipper. Fuels are used for operating vehicles during quarrying process which is about 55-60 lit/day. There are no HT or LT lines | 2.7 | Any other natural resources (use appropriate standard units) | No | Nil | |
3 | Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 3.1 | Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies | No | No hazardous materials used in this project. | 3.2 | Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) | No | There is no change in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors due to Sand removal. | 3.3 | Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing living conditions? | Yes | The project will provide direct and indirect employment and thereby improve the economic standard of people in the surrounding village. Besides that nearly 10% of the revenue from quarrying operation is given to local panchayat for its development. | 3.4 | Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc. | No | There is no hutment in the lease area. No human being will be displaced from the project area so no person will be affected contrary local people will get job opportunities and better facilities.
The excavated sand is properly covered by using tarpaulins; leading roads to the quarries are wetted frequently to avoid dust. | 3.5 | Any other causes | No | NIL | |
4 | Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 4.1 | Spoil, overburden or mine wastes | No | No Top soil available.
No over burden is anticipated however shoal containing more debris and clay sand shall be dumped over the bank of river to increase the bank height and protect the neighbor area from
inundation. | 4.2 | Municipal waste (domestic and or commercial wastes) | Yes | The municipal solid waste will be collected by bin in the site and properly disposed. | 4.3 | Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules) | No | The proposed removal of Sand will not produce any hazardous waste Materials. | 4.4 | Other industrial process wastes | No | Other industrial process wastes are not generated. | 4.5 | Surplus product | No | There is no surplus product. | 4.6 | Sewage sludge or other sludge from effluent treatment | No | No effluent is generated or treated in this quarry. | 4.7 | Construction or demolition wastes | No | There is no Construction or demolition waste. | 4.8 | Redundant machinery or equipment | No | There is no redundant machinery or equipment storage in the project site. | 4.9 | Contaminated soils or other materials | No | No Contaminated soils or other materials. | 4.10 | Agricultural wastes | No | There is no agricultural wastes | 4.11 | Other solid wastes | No | There is no solid waste generated/disposed except shoal containing some debris and clay sand shall be dumped along bank of the river to increase the bank height and protect the neighbor area from inundation. | |
5 | Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air(Kg/hr) |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 5.1 | Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources | Yes | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data
Mining would be carried out by opencast method by mechanized means using Poclain/Excavators and tippers. | 5.2 | Emissions from production processes | No | No emission of gases | 5.3 | Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport | No | Not Applicable. Except from Vehicles during transportation. Vehicles will be properly serviced and maintained. Fuels used are of good quality to minimize the emission level. | 5.4 | Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment | No | Not Applicable | 5.5 | Dust or odours from handling of materials including construction materials, sewage and waste | Yes | The project will not have any odours, since it is only removal of Sand.
There will be dust emission during handling of overburden and transport of sand. It will controlled by sprinkling of water on exposed bed, covering of tipper by tarpaulin. | 5.6 | Emissions from incineration of waste | No | There will be no incineration of waste. | 5.7 | Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) | No | No incineration of solid waste or materials | 5.8 | Emissions from any other sources | No | Nil | |
6 | Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 6.1 | From operation of equipment e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers | Yes | The loading vehicle poclain/ excavator can produce noise but are maintained within permissible limits. Lubricating and preventive maintenance shall be taken to control noise from the loading vehicle. | 6.2 | From industrial or similar processes | No | No Noise or vibration will be generated. | 6.3 | From construction or demolition | No | There is no construction and demolition activity. | 6.4 | From blasting or piling | No | No drilling and Blasting. No compressor or any other equipments creating noise or vibration is used. | 6.5 | From construction or operational traffic | No | The transport vehicles can produce noise but are maintained within permissible limits, by keeping vehicles in proper condition as per RTO & TNPCB norms and maintenance under experience and qualified mechanics. | 6.6 | From lighting or cooling systems | No | There is no lighting or cooling systems. | 6.7 | From any other sources | No | No other sources | |
7 | Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 7.1 | From handling, storage, use or spillage of hazardous materials | No | No hazardous materials will be used in the process. Oiling and lubrication of transporting vehicles will be done by using oil tray to prevent spillage of oil.
Vehicles and machinery will be well maintained to prevent leakage of oil. | 7.2 | From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge) | No | No sewage or disposal of effluents or waste by dispersion trench | 7.3 | By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water | Yes | The emissions of SO2 (Sulfur dioxide) & NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide) may be due to use of diesel operated vehicles such as excavator and Tipper. Better maintenance of equipment in good condition will help to reduce such emissions. The dust emission will be suppressed by source itself by sprinkling of water. | 7.4 | From any other sources | No | No other sources | 7.5 | Is there a risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment from these sources? | No | There is no risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment, since it is only open cast mine. | |
8 | Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 8.1 | From explosions, spillages, fires etc from storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances | No | No blasting. No inflammable material used for quarrying. | 8.2 | From any other causes | No | Mines safety preventive measures will be followed during operation of the machinery. No person shall be allowed within the swing area of the excavator and tippers during loading operation. The quarrying activities will be monitored under the supervision of experienced and qualified competent mines foreman. | 8.3 | Could the project be affected by natural disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)? | Yes | Quarry operation\removal of Sand will be stopped during the flood season, if any. | |
9 | Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality |
S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 9.1 | Lead to development of supporting utilities, ancillary development or development stimulated   by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.:
- Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply,waste or waste water treatment, etc.)
- housing development
- extractive industries
- supply industries
- Other
| No | Removal of sand in Palar river is for proper free flowing of water without any obstacles. There will not have any impact on Environment. No housing development or extractive industries or supply industries involved in this project. | 9.2 | Lead to after-use of the site, which could have an impact on the environment | No | The Sand is removed to deepen for free flow of water without any obstacles. In fact this removal of sand is beneficial to the society for supply of water and the sand is used for Building Construction. Moreover, the excavated area shall be replenished during the next rainy season | 9.3 | Set a precedent for later developments | No | Not arise. | 9.4 | Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects | No | Only sand quarry operation is going to take place. No other negative impact. | | (III) | Environmental Sensitivity | S.No | Areas | Name/Identity | Aerial distance (within 15km.) Proposed project location boundary | 1 | Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value | No | There is no Ecological landscape, cultural or other related value areas within 15kms radius. | 2 | Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons - Wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests | No | forest in 1 kms radius from proposed project site.
1. Pallalakuppam Extension Reserve
Forest – 5.9km - W
2. Pallikonda Reserve Forest – 6km – SE
3. Sanankuppam Reserve Forest –
6.5km - SW
4. Paravamalai Reserve Forest – 7.3 – SE
5. Kallapadi Reserve Forest – 14.7km – N
6. Raddanaickanur & Charakkal Reserve
Forest – 19.5km – W
7. Ambur Reserve Forest – 18km - SW
8. Gundalapalli Reserve forest is –
15.5Km-North West
9. Vellore Reserve Forest – 24.89 – North | 3 | Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration | No | This area is not used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering and migration. There is no Endangered Species. | 4 | Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters | Yes | There is no Inland,
Coastal– Bay of Bengal –143.5 km-Southeast. | 5 | State, National boundaries | No | The project site is located for about 14.7km away from the interstate boundary in North side. | 6 | Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas | No | There are no routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist in the proposed project site | 7 | Defence installations | No | NIL | 8 | Densely populated or built-up area | Yes | Kuthampakkam village is located about 0.54km on the Southwest side with population of 2556peoples as per 2011 census. | 9 | Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) | Yes | There is no hospital or Primary school, village temples and primary health centers within 300m radius of the quarry. Ananganallore Village is located about 110m on the northern side. This Sand removal will not affect any persons or structure or communities or place of worships. | 10 | Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources.(ground water resources,surface resources,forestry,agriculture,fisheries,tourism,minerals) | No | There is no high quality or scarce resources such as ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, rare minerals near the site. | 11 | Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage.(those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) | No | This area is not already subjected to any pollution or environmental damages. | 12 | Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions) similar effects | No | It is not an earth quake prone area or any other natural disasters. Adequate measures will be adopted to prevent flooding in the project site during rainy seasons. | | (IV) | PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA STUDIES | | ADDITIONAL MULTIPLE ENTERIES | (V) | Undertaking | | The aforesaid application and documents furnished here with are true to my knowledge | V.(i) | Name | OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD | Designation | Engineer | Company | OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD | Address | The Executive Engineer,PWD,Water Resource Organization,Mining and Monitoring Division,Viluppuram district |