APPENDIX I | (See Paragraph-6) | FORM 1 | | Note : If space provided against any parameter is inadequate, Kindly upload supporting document under 'Additional Attachments if any' at the last part of the Form1. Please note that all such Annexures must be part of single pdf document. | (I) Basic Information | | | Is your project Comes under Notified Industrial Area | NA |
| | Whether proposal involved violation of EIA notification | N/A | | Weather Consent to Establishment Obtained | N/A | | Upload copy of CTE | N/A |
| 1. | |
Name of the Project/s | Revised Master Plan of Katupalli Port by MIDPL | Brief summary of project | Annexure-Brief summary of project | Proposal Number | IA/TN/MIS/75347/2018 | Project Cost | 5243100 lacs | |
| 2. | |
S. No. in the schedule | 7(e) Ports, Harbours
| Project Sector | INFRA-2 | |
| 3. | Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number or wells to be drilled | 259 MMTPA ha. | | 4. | New/Expansion/Modernization | Expansion | Proposal Number | IA/TN/MIS/75346/2007 | MoEFCC file number(Previous EC) | 10- 130/2007-IA.III | Uploaded EC letter | Annexure-Uploaded EC letter | | | 5. | Existing Capacity/Area etc. | 24.65 ha. | | 6. | Category of project i.e. 'A' or 'B' | A | | 7. | Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify | No | | | 8. | Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, please specify | No | | | 9. | |
Location of the project | Kattupalli port is located on the coastal side of Kattupalli village in Ponneri Taluka of Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu | Shape of the project land | Block (Polygon) | Uploaded GPS file | Annexure-GPS file  | Uploaded copy of survey of India Toposheet | Annexure-Survey of india toposheet | Plot/Survey/Khasra No. | 1 part, 2 to 13, 14 part, 16 to 49, 143 part, 187 part, 207, 235 part, 236 part, 237 part, 238 part, 239 part, 256 to 309, 316 to 318, 916, 932 to 950, 1678 to 1721, 1834 to 1847, 1853 to 1855, 1860 to 1918, 1975 to 1983, 2005 to 2010, 2023, 2038, 2024, 2040A, B, C, 2041, 2053B & 2070 to 2074.
Proposed Northern Railway corridor - 310, 1663, 1666, 1670 to 1672 & 2024 part.
Proposed southern Railway corridor- 47 to 70, 63/1, 63/2, 68, 70/2, 71 to 86, 88/3, 99, 118, 120 to 128, 148, 155 to 158, Part in following survey no. 03, 04, 9, 10, 20, 21, 25, 32/B, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39/B, 40, 41, 42/B, 43/B, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 62, 66, 67, 87, 88/4, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 105 to 115, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111/1, 111/3, 111/4, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167 & 354. However same will be finalised, at the time of completion of EIA report. | Town / Village | Kattupalli, Kallanji, Kattur, Voyalur -3 (Uranamedu), Ebraburam. However same will be finalised, at the time of completion of EIA report. | State of the project | Tamil Nadu | |
| Details of State of the project |
---| | State Name | District Name | Tehsil Name |
(1.) | Tamil Nadu | Tiruvallur | Ponneri | | 10. | |
Nearest railway station along with distance in kms | Attipattu, 2.7 km | Nearest airport along with distance in kms | Chennai, 33 km | |
| 11. | Nearest Town/City/District Headquarters along with distance in kms | Minjur , 5.4 km | | 12. | Village Panchayats, Zila Parishad, Muncipal Corporation, Local body (Complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) | Ponneri Town Panchayat, No.45 A, Ramachandirareddy Street,
Ponneri - 601 204,
Thiruvallur Dt. Ph. 044-27974007 | | 13. | Name of the Applicant | Shalin | | 14. | Registered Address | 4th Floor, Ramcons Fortuna towers, No.1/2, Kodambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu | | 15. | |
Address for correspondance: | Name of the Company | MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPER PRIVATE LIMITED | Name of the Applicant | Shalin | Designation (Owner/ Partner/ CEO) | Head - Environment | Pin code | 600120 | E-mail | | Telephone No. | 44-27968000 | Fax No. | 44- | Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency . | Annexure-Uploaded Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority | |
| 16. | Details of Alternative Sites examined, if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a toposheet | No | |
| 17. | Whether part of Interlinked projects? | No | | 18. | Whether separate application of Interlinked project has been submitted? | N/A | | 19. | If Yes, MoEF file number | N/A | Date of submission | N/A | | | | 21. | Whether the proposal involves Approval/ Clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given | (i) Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act,1980? | No | (ii) Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the wildlife (Protection) Act,1972? | No | (iii) Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the C.R.Z notification, 2011? | Yes | | | 22. | Whether there is any Government Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? | No | |
| 23. | Whether any Forest Land Involved? | No | Area of Forest land Involved (hectares) | N/A | |
| 24. | Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? | No | (a) Name of the Court | N/A | (b) Name of the Sub court | N/A | (c) Case No. | N/A | (d) Orders/directions of the court, if any and relevance with the proposed project | N/A | |
| 1 | Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details there of (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 1.1 | Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) | Yes | Revised Master Plan in total area of 2120.28 ha which includes 136.278 ha of existing area, 761.8 Ha of govt. land, 781.4 ha of Private land and sea reclamation of 440.8 ha. Apart from port backup area, external road, rail (double line) and utility corridor is proposed in an area of 30 ha to provide connectivity.
Proposed Revised Master plan includes the area proposed by TIDCO, ABAN as well as relocation of intake and outfall facilities/ structures of Chennai Water Desalination Plant. | 1.2 | Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings? | Yes | Clearance of scrub, sparse vegetation and some built up area will be involved as per Revised Master Plan. Due to Revised Master Plan, Relocation of Chennai Water Desalination Plant’s intake and outfall facilities, structures, access roads, etc., will be explored | 1.3 | Creation of new land uses? | Yes | Land use will be created as per Revised Master Plan (total area of 2120.28 ha). Revised Master Plan Layout is given in Pre-Feasibility Report | 1.4 | Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore houses, soil testing? | Yes | Geotechnical Investigations will be carried out as per Revised Master Plan requirement | 1.5 | Construction works? | Yes | Total quay length will be 9229m in addition to 1250m long berths, 12 port &allberthsasMultipurpose&Breakwaters (9.35km),Transloading,independent Port craft,wastereception facilities,conveyor,drainage External road, rail & utility corridor. All amenities will be developed to accommodate all multipurpose (including liquid & Liquid/Gas/Cryogenics cargos.Dredging,Reclamation, Channelworks.Desalination&LNG Regasification Plant, Intake/Outfall, ETP/STP facilities | 1.6 | Demolition works? | Yes | Existing utilities, buildings and Other Civil Structures to extent possible will be retained and others will be demolished and will be developed as per proposed Revised Master Plan. Relocation of Chennai Water Desalination Plant’s intake and outfall facilities, structures, access roads, etc., will be explored as a part of Revised Master Plan | 1.7 | Temporary sites used for construction works or housing of construction workers? | Yes | Adequate temporary facilities for construction workers will be provided within the project site. Approximately 500 workers (Direct/Indirect) will be employed during construction phase. Construction workers are also expected to reside in nearby villages where social infrastructure is available. They will be transported to and from the construction site by the construction contractor | 1.8 | Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations and fill or excavations | Yes | Envisaged as a part of Kattupalli port Revised Master Plan | 1.9 | Underground works including mining or tunnelling? | Yes | Underground works as required will be carried out. (eg. underground pipelines/ storm water & cables trenches , material handling facilities etc.) | 1.10 | Reclamation works? | Yes | Sea Reclamation of 440.8 ha and level raising will be carried. Dredged material of 40 MCM will be used for reclamation and level-raising of around 600 Ha. Additional material for reclamation will be sourced from nearby quarries. Necessary approval, if requiredwill be obtained If required, temporary load out facilities with storage for transport of raw materials at suitable site, through barges will also be explored. | 1.11 | Dredging? | Yes | Additional quantity of Capital Dredging of about 40 MCM is envisaged. Average dredge depth at berthing line will be (-) 20.5 m CD for all bulk & multipurpose berths and for all VLCC berths (-) 25 m CD and at Channel will be (-) 25.0 to (-) 27.0 m CD. Maintenance dredging quantity is estimated as 1.25 MCM/annum. The maintenance dredging material will be disposed at the offshore disposal ground to be identified through hydro dynamic modelling study | 1.12 | Offshore structures? | Yes | Breakwaters-9.35km. Barges,Tug, 12PortCraft. Berth Quay length~9229m, 1250m barge berths.All berths willbe Multipurpose. FSRU&FSO for LNG&LPGresp. Reclamation,Trans-loading facilities,Multi-purpose facilities & independent craft&waste facilities,conveyor,drainage,water supply,electrical works,internal roads,railways, other utilities,amenities&bunkering. DesalinationPlant,LNGregasification.Intake/Outfall facilities.Relocation of existingCWD intake/outfall will be explored | 1.13 | Production and manufacturing processes? | Yes | Cryogenic Gases (Upto -162 degree Celsius, Pressurized Gases) regasification facilities will be developed in a phased manner as per Revised Master Plan. Depending on the business requirements, LNG & LPG will be handled through FSRU & FSO resp. in addition to land based terminal. For Cargo such as LPG Blending of Butane and Propane will be envisaged.
Natural Gas to CNG conversion is also proposed | 1.14 | Facilities for storage of goods or materials? | Yes | Tentative storage area (including existing port area) includes. Multipurpose Cargo Backup Area, Liquid & Cryogenic gas cargo storage area, Gate Complex & Parking, Greenbelt Area, Internal Rail and Road Approaches, Utilities & amenities, office area and Buildings. Depending on the business requirement exact area will be finalised. Depending on the business requirements, LNG & LPG will be handled through FSRU & FSO resp. in addition to land based terminal | 1.15 | Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents? | Yes | Sewage generated during Operation Phase from toilet blocks, canteens etc. & effluent generated from liquid tank washing etc. will be treated in Modular Sewage Treatment Plant and Modular ETP established within the port area as an operational requirement. Estimated ultimate capacity of Modular STP and ETP will be to the tune of 240KLD and 1500KLD respectively. Treated sewage will be used for greenbelt and treated ETP water will be discharged into the sea after attaining discharge standards | 1.16 | Facilities for long term housing of operational workers? | No | - | 1.17 | New road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation? | Yes | Movement of construction material and general traffic during construction is anticipated. During operation, there will be increase in Traffic by road/sea/rail. A new rail, road and utility corridor is proposed within existing Port boundary | 1.18 | New road, rail, air water borne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? | Yes | Rail (double line) and Road connectivity is proposed as a part of Revised Master Plan. The rail line will connect Kattupalli port with existing southern rail link at Ennore Rail-yard and proposed Northern Rail Link at the proposed L&T Spur location, Tentative alignment of corridor is shown in the layout given in PFR.
A new rail, road and utilities corridor is also proposed within existing Port boundary | 1.19 | Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? | No | - | 1.20 | New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines? | Yes | New transmission lines and pipelines will be laid as per the Revised Master Plan requirement | 1.21 | Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? | Yes | Existing Storm water drainage willbe extended&rerouted. Culverts&stilts willbe developed.Sea Reclamation&breakwaterconstruction may change the hydrodynamics of the area..RCCdrainsdevelopment. Toaugment efficacy of NW-4 and Waterway Evacuation,Berthing Area will be connected to Buckingham Canal. Consideration of Waterway.2'weirs' are proposed which will maintain same water level as that of Bucking. Canal all around the year and will also not obstruct water flow during heavy monsoon season | 1.22 | Stream crossings? | Yes | Proposed Northern Rail & road and utility corridor will cross Kosisttalaiyar river and Buckingham canal | 1.23 | Abstraction or transfers of water from ground or surface waters? | Yes | Existing source of water supply CMWSSB. Construction phase water requirement is ~0.8MLD sourced from bowsers &existing system. Operation phase water requirement is 30MLD which will be sourced from desalination plant forthis raw water of 75MLD sourced from sea and reject of 45MLD discharged into sea. Feasibility of Ground water use will also be explored. Process water for Cryogenic facilities will be taken from sea and discharged back. Estimated process water is ~ 1,20,000 cu.m/hr | 1.24 | Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off? | Yes | Adequate Storm water drainage will be developed
Reclamation activities of port expansion site will be planned in such a way that natural drainage or runoff will not be significantly affected | 1.25 | Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning? | Yes | Construction Phase: Movement of construction material including cement, aggregates, rock, sand, steel etc. Movement of construction workers by vans/buses.
Operational Phase: Transportation of cargo and movement of workforce from the townships/ nearby habitations to port site | 1.26 | Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works? | No | - | 1.27 | Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? | No | - | 1.28 | Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently? | Yes | Influx of people during construction phase will be Temporary and limited. During operational phase for both direct and indirect employment is envisaged | 1.29 | Introduction of alien species? | No | - | 1.30 | Loss of native species or genetic diversity? | No | - | 1.31 | Any other actions? | No | - | | 2 | Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 2.1 | Land especially undeveloped or agricultural land (ha) | Yes | Revised Master Plan will be carried out in an area of 2120.28ha including 136.28ha of existing area, 761.8Ha of, 781.4ha of Private land & proposed sea reclamation of 440.8ha. Apart from port backup area, rail (doubleline)&road corridor is proposed in an area of 30ha. Present land use is Sea, intertidal area, sandy area/beach, abandon salt pans, land with/without scrub and sparse vegetation | 2.2 | Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD | Yes | Construction phase water requirement is ~0.8MLD sourced from bowsers and existing supply system. Operation demand is 30MLD which will be met through proposed desalination plant. Raw water of 75MLD will be sourced from sea and reject of 45MLD will be discharged into sea. Feasibility of Ground water use will also be explored. Process water for Cryogenic facilities will be taken from sea and discharged back to sea. Estimated quantity of process water is ~1,20,000cu.m/hr in Revised Master Plan | 2.4 | Construction material – stone, aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT) | Yes | During Revised Master Plan, construction material of coarse aggregates: 26.51 MMT; fine aggregates: 19.31 MMT; and stone: 44 MMT (Breakwater). Breakwaters will be developed either through rocks/slag or any other suitable materials which will also be explored for using in combination while carrying out detailed engineering.
40 MCM of Dredged materials will be used for reclamation and level-raising.
Entire construction materials will be procured from approved quarry(s) | 2.5 | Forests and timber (source – MT) | Yes | As per project requirement timber for construction/operation if any will be sourced from licensed suppliers | 2.6 | Energy including electricity and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT),energy (MW) | Yes | During construction phase power requirement is 2 MVA and DG Set of 125 KVA and operation phase power requirement in Master Plan will be 100 MVA. Power required will be sourced from existing power supply of TNEB. During operation in Revised Master Plan, DG sets of upto 40 MVA will be provided as power backup. DG set Diesel consumption in Master Plan will be 1350 lt/hr. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar will also be explored | 2.7 | Any other natural resources (use appropriate standard units) | No | - | | 3 | Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 3.1 | Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies | Yes | Handling&storage of Multipurpose Cargoes-liquid,Coal,IronOre,Bulk,BreakBulk,ProjectCargo,GeneralCargo,DryCargoContainer,Fertilizer&FRM,Ro-Ro&Automobiles&anyothernon-hazardouscargo&Liquid/Gas/Cryogenicscargoes withAll Class A,B,C petroleumprod.,excluded petroleumprod.,Non-ClassifiedChemi.,Hazardous,Toxic&Non-Hazardous chem./Liquids&other Liquidcargos-LNG/CNG/LPGetc.Bunkering envisaged.RA&mitigation will addressed in EIAreport. Development ofLiquid&Cryogenic gas terminals asper National std | 3.2 | Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) | No | - | 3.3 | Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing living conditions? | Yes | During construction phase, approximately 500 workers will be employed. During operation Revised Master Plan, direct employment of 1500 persons and indirect employment of 4500 persons is envisaged. The proposed Revised Master Plan is likely to have positive impact on socioeconomic condition of the region | 3.4 | Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc. | Yes | The impact on nearby affected groups if any will be studied and addressed in EIA considering the sensitive receptors if any | 3.5 | Any other causes | No | - | | 4 | Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 4.1 | Spoil, overburden or mine wastes | Yes | During Revised Master Plan construction, additional quantity of Capital Dredging of 40 MCM for the proposed development. dredge material is proposed to use for reclamation and level raising.
Maintenance dredging quantity is estimated as 1.25 Mm3/annum. The maintenance dredging material will be disposed at the offshore disposal ground to be identified through hydro dynamic modelling study | 4.2 | Municipal waste (domestic and or commercial wastes) | Yes | Municipal wastes in the form of canteen wastes, domestic wastes, papers, etc. will be generated. Municipal solid waste from canteen and administrative areas during Master Plan is estimated at about 0.75 TPD, of which 60% will be biodegradable and 40% non-biodegradable. Disposal of municipal solid waste will be carried out as per prevailing norms | 4.3 | Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules) | Yes | Used oil/spent oil, Wastes/Residue containing oil/Pig wastes/ Oil soaked rags/Cotton waste, Discarded containers/barrels & Used Battery and Sludge from ETP will be collected and disposed to TNPCB/CPCB approved vendors. Hazardous wastes, if any will be handled as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules (as amended). Hazardous wastes will be disposed through approved TNPCB vendors | 4.4 | Other industrial process wastes | No | - | 4.6 | Sewage sludge or other sludge from effluent treatment | Yes | Value addition options will be identified for waste management.
Sewage sludge from STP will be utilised as manure in the greenbelt area. Sludge from ETP will be sent to the authorised TSDF site | 4.7 | Construction or demolition wastes | Yes | Construction & Demolition debris will be utilized within the port premises to raise the low lying area | 4.8 | Redundant machinery or equipment | No | - | 4.9 | Contaminated soils or other materials | No | Soil contamination is not envisaged during normal operation of port and accidental spills if any, will be mitigated through suitable measures | 4.10 | Agricultural wastes | No | - | 4.11 | Other solid wastes | No | - | | 5 | Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air(Kg/hr) | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 5.1 | Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources | Yes | Emissions from DG Sets, DG mounted RTGC, diesel run equipment, engines, transport vehicles including rail engines, ships and machinery during construction and operational phases. Emissions from re-gasification facility such as water bath heaters, vent etc. Suitable mitigation measures such as PUC certified vehicles, well maintained construction equipment low Sulphur Diesel Fuel, suitable stack height for DG sets, water bath heater etc., will be maintained | 5.2 | Emissions from production processes | Yes | Only handling, storage and transportation of various cargos are envisaged in the port except the regasification of Cryogenic Gases (Up to (-) 1620C, Pressurised gases).
Suitable available technologies will be explored to avoid significant emissions | 5.3 | Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport | Yes | Fugitive dust emissions are envisaged during unloading / loading and storage of dry bulk cargo. Dust Suppression System, Covered conveyor system and mechanised loading/unloading systems will be installed for cargo handling, storage and transport. In addition, fugitive emissions from Tank farms also envisaged for liquid and gas cargo. Adequate control systems for the same will be installed | 5.4 | Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment | Yes | Emission from DG sets, diesel operated pumps, concrete mixers, equipment vibrators and excavators during construction activities. These equipments will be maintained properly to ensure minimum emissions, however, construction activity will be for a short duration of period and restricted within the Project boundary | 5.5 | Dust or odours from handling of materials including construction materials, sewage and waste | Yes | Dust due to handling of construction material during construction phase
Dust due to dry bulk cargo handling
Possible odour source is sewage/effluent treatment plant.
Dust suppression measures like water sprinkling and Greenbelt will be provided | 5.6 | Emissions from incineration of waste | No | - | 5.7 | Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) | No | - | 5.8 | Emissions from any other sources | No | - | | 6 | Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 6.1 | From operation of equipment e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers | Yes | During Construction activities 70-85 dB(A) will be expected near noise generating source such as DG sets, heavy equipment’s etc. and PPEs will be provided to workers. During the operational phase, noise will be generated due to the operation of generators, pumps, engines of boats and ships, cranes cargo and shipment vehicles, warehouse, maintenance area, cargo loading and unloading areas. Equipment with noise mitigating devices will be deployed | 6.2 | From industrial or similar processes | Yes | Only handling, storage and transportation of various cargos are envisaged in the port except the regasification of Cryogenic Gases (Up to (-) 1620C, Pressurised gases), NG to CNG conversion and LPG blending.
MIDPL Proposes to use environmental friendly technologies such as Ambient air based/ sea water based technologies and hence No significant emissions are envisaged however same will be studied in detail during EIA studies | 6.3 | From construction or demolition | Yes | • Excavators
• Dumpers
• Welding/Drilling
• Trucks etc.
Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) will be provided to workers | 6.4 | From blasting or piling | Yes | There will be no blasting activity. There will be only piling activity; Noise generated from piling activity will be limited to prevailing practices/ norms. PPE will be provided to workers | 6.5 | From construction or operational traffic | Yes | During the construction activities, utmost care will be taken to control the noise levels within the standards. While operation traffic will contribute some noise level, mitigation measures will be followed. | 6.6 | From lighting or cooling systems | Yes | During the welding and cutting, electrical lighting, power circuits, drilling etc. lighting may be produced where workers will be provided necessary PPE. Air conditioning and ventilation system generates noise and necessary enclosure will be provided | 6.7 | From any other sources | No | - | | 7 | Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 7.1 | From handling, storage, use or spillage of hazardous materials | Yes | Spills do not occur during normal operations, as the cargo will be mechanically handled. In the event of accidental spills, marine water/ sediment quality in the harbour can get impacted. To minimise the impacts on marine water quality, it will be attempted to recover the spills. The hazardous materials will be stored and handled as per the provisions of the Manufacturer, Storage and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules and Amendments thereof. | 7.2 | From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge) | Yes | Sewage,Effluent from port premises&shipwaste reception facilities will be treated in ModularSTP- 240KLD capacities&ModularETP-1500KLD developed in operational area.Treated STP water for greenbelt&ETP treated water will be discharged into sea after attaining discharge standards. Sludge&recovered oil from ETP will be disposed to Authorized TSDF. Reject brine of about 45MLD from desalination plant®asification process return water of 120000cu.m /hr will be discharged into sea | 7.3 | By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water | Yes | Fugitive dust due to construction activities, equipment/vehicular emissions and transportation of construction materials. Suitable mitigation measures will be followed. Vehicular emissions, Fugitive emissions from stock yards, and spillage at handling areas at jetties. Fugitive emissions from the cargo can build up the air pollutant concentrations. Appropriate mitigation measures such as Dust Suppression system, Greenbelt development will be provided | 7.4 | From any other sources | No | - | 7.5 | Is there a risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment from these sources? | No | - | | 8 | Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 8.1 | From explosions, spillages, fires etc from storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances | Yes | Constructionphase-storage of hazardousmaterial-welding gases,paints,lubricants etc. operationPhase-storage of coal (Non-Hazardous Material) &hazardous materials such as Class A,B,C, excluded Petroleum, Non-ClassifiedChemicals&Petroleumproducts,Hazardous,Toxic&Non-HazardousLiquids(chemicals&PetroleumProducts),CryogenicGases (Upto(-)1620C,Pressurized Gases)etc. willbe stored/handled as per prevailing national norms&other National guidelines. DMP will be prepared | 8.2 | From any other causes | No | - | 8.3 | Could the project be affected by natural disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)? | Yes | Probable affects due to natural disasters, which include cyclones and floods, will be studied and addressed in the EIA report | | 9 | Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality | S.No | Information/Checklist confirmation | Yes/No | Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data | 9.1 | Lead to development of supporting utilities, ancillary development or development stimulated   by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.:
- Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply,waste or waste water treatment, etc.)
- housing development
- extractive industries
- supply industries
- Other
| Yes | • Induced development due to the project in the region, which will create better infrastructure and will attract migration of people
• Necessary supportive utilities, infrastructures to cater the requirements of the project would be developed as a part of the project | 9.2 | Lead to after-use of the site, which could have an impact on the environment | No | The proposed project would be a permanent establishment | 9.3 | Set a precedent for later developments | Yes | The proposed Revised Master Plan would lead to developmental activities in the region | 9.4 | Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects | Yes | Baseline environment monitoring is initiated to establish the present condition in and around the project area and same will be incorporated in EIA report. Cumulative impacts if any will be addressed in the EIA | | (III) | Environmental Sensitivity | S.No | Areas | Name/Identity | Aerial distance (within 15km.) Proposed project location boundary | 1 | Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value | Yes | Pulicat Sanctuary Boundary 14.5 km NW | 2 | Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons - Wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests | Yes | Pulicat Lake, 7.8 kmN | 3 | Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration | Yes | Mangroves : > 50 m | 4 | Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters | Yes | Buckingham Canal, >0.05 KM , W;
Bay of Bengal, Adjacent, E
River Kosisttalaiyar (Tidal Influenced) - adjacent
Korattalaiyar River:6.3km SW
Aranai River: 4.2 km W | 5 | State, National boundaries | Yes | Andhra Pradesh boundary at 14.5 km NW | 6 | Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas | Yes | SH-104, 1.2km, W
Athipattu railway, 2.7 km W | 7 | Defence installations | No | - | 8 | Densely populated or built-up area | Yes | Vallur Camp, 3.2 km, SSW;
Minjur Town; 5.4 km, SW;
New Manali Town, 7.4 km SSW;
Ponneri Town, 9.9 km, W | 9 | Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) | Yes | Above towns are having schools, health centres and places of worship | 10 | Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources.(ground water resources,surface resources,forestry,agriculture,fisheries,tourism,minerals) | Yes | There are seasonal water bodies present in the Study area in the form of lakes and ponds | 11 | Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage.(those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) | No | | 12 | Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions) similar effects | Yes | The project site falls under seismic Zone III (moderate earthquake zone) as per IS 1893 (Part I) 2002 of Indian Seismic map. This project site is not influenced by high frequency cyclonic disturbances. Structural design has factored these aspects | | (IV) | Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies | | Additional Attachments, if any |
Attached File |
ADS Letter |
| | Essential Detail Sought : NIL | | Additional Detail Sought: |
Sno. | ADS Letter | Remarks | Date of ADS |
1. | ADS Reply Letter | NA | 14 Nov 2018 | 2. | NA | Kindly see the final minutes of 32nd meeting of EAC (Infra-2) | 16 Jul 2018 | | (V) | Undertaking | | I hereby give undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to be best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. | V.(i) | Name of Applicant | Shalin | Designation | Head - Environment | Name of Company (Applicant Name should not be given here) | MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPER PRIVATE LIMITED | Address | 4th Floor, Ramcons Fortuna towers, No.1/2, Kodambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu |