1. | Whether it is a violation case and application is being submitted under Notification No. S.O.804(E) dated 14.03.2017 ? | No | Details of Project: | (a)Name of the project(s) | Ujh Multipurpose Project | (b)Name of the Company / Organisation | CHIEF ENGINEER CID JAMMU | (c)Registered Address | 18 C/C Gandhi Nagar Jammu,,Jammu,Jammu and Kashmir-180004 | (d)Legal Status of the Company | State Government | (e)Joint Venture | No | |
2. | Address for the correspondence: | (a)Name of the Applicant | Jagdish Singh Chib | (b)Designation (Owner/ Partner/ CEO) | CE | (c)Address | 18 C/C Gandhi Nagar Jammu,,Jammu,Jammu,Jammu and Kashmir-180004 | (d)Pin code | 180004 | (e)E-mail | jschib.59@gmail.com | (f)STD Code. | 191(f)Telephone No. | 2432435 | (g)Fax No. | | (h)Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency . | Annexure-Uploaded Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority | |
3. | Category of the Project/Activity as per Schedule of EIA Notification,2006: | (a.I)Project/Activity | 1(c) River Valley projects
| Minor Activity | | (b)Category | A | (c)Proposal Number | IA/JK/RIV/84991/2018 | (d)Master Proposal Number(Single Window) | SW/182479/2020 | (e)EAC concerned (for category A Projects only) | River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects | (f)Project Type | Fresh EC |
4. | Location of the Project: | (a)Plot/Survey/Khasra No. | 43P/6,43P/7,43P/10,43P/11 | (b)Pincode | 184104 | (c)Bounded Latitudes (North) | | From | | Degree | 32.5540 | Minutes | | Second | | From | | Degree | 32.66 | Minutes | | Second | | (d)Bounded Longitudes (East) | | From | | Degree | 75.08 | Minutes | | Second | | From | | Degree | 75.58 | Minutes | | Second | | (e)Survey of India Topo Sheet No. | 43/P | (f)Uploaded Topo Sheet File | Copy of Topo Sheet File | (g)Maximum Elevation Above Means Sea Level(AMSL) | 619 | (h)Uploaded (kml) File | Copy of Kml File  | (i)Distance of Nearest HFL from the project boundary within the study area | 0 | (j)Seismic Zone | 4 | |
5. | (a)Number of States in which Project will be Executed | 1 | (b)Main State of the project | Jammu and Kashmir | |
Details of State(s) of the project |
S. No. | State Name | District Name | Tehsil Name | Village Name |
(1.) | Gujarat | Jamnagar | Jamnagar | Sikka | (2.) | Jammu and Kashmir | Kathua | Billawar | | |
6. | Details of Terms of Reference (ToR): | (a)MoEF&CC / SEIAA File Number | J-12011/39/2014 -IA I | (b)Date of Apply of TOR | 14 Nov 2018 | (c)Date of Issue of TOR / Standard ToR | 06 Dec 2018 | (d)Previous TOR Letter | Copy of Previous TOR letter | |
7. | Details of Public Consultation: | (a)Whether the Project Exempted from Public Hearing? | No | (b)Whether details of Public Hearing available? | Yes | (c)Whether Public hearing was presided over by an officer of the rank of Additional District Magistrate or above | Yes | |
7.1. Details of Public Hearing |
S. No. | Details of Advertisement | Details of Public Hearing | Venue | Location Details | No. of People Attended | Issues Raised | Designation of Presiding Officer | Other Designation of Presiding Officer |
(1.) | | Copy of Public Hearing : | Copy of Public Hearing | Date : | 16 Jul 2020 | Distance of Public Hearing Venue from the Proposed Project : | 0 |
| Mandli | State : | Jammu and Kashmir | District : | Kathua | Tehsil : | Kathua | Village : | Mandli |
| 400 | Demanded renaming of the project as Panjtirthi Ujh Multipurpose Project by keeping in view of the religious aspirations of locals attached with this historic temple. Updation of revenue records to be | Deputy Commissioner | | (2.) | | Copy of Public Hearing : | Copy of Public Hearing | Date : | 26 Aug 2020 | Distance of Public Hearing Venue from the Proposed Project : | 1 |
| Jatwal | State : | Jammu and Kashmir | District : | Samba | Tehsil : | Samba | Village : | Jatwal |
| 60 | Locals strongly suggested resurveying & shifting of alignment of canal about 1-1.5 kms towards north of already surveyed canal.
As per their expressed concerns, only 25% land of their villages will b | Others | ADM | |
8. | Details of Project Configuration/Product: | |
8.1. Project Configuration |
S. No. | Plant/Equipment/Facility | Configuration | Remarks |
(1.) | Ujh Multipurpose Project | 196MW | | |
8.2. Product |
S. No. | Product/Activity (Capacity/Area) | Quantity | Unit | Other Unit | Mode of Transport / Transmission of Product | Other Mode of Transport / Transmission of Product |
(1.) | Hydro Power | 196 | Mega Watt(MW) | | Others | Transmission line | |
9. | In case of Expansion / Modernisation / One Time Capacity Expansion (only for Coal Mining) / Expansion under Clause 7(ii) / Modernisation under Clause 7(ii) / Change of Product Mix under Clause 7(ii): | Details Not Applicable | |
9.1. | Details of Consent to Operate | (i)Whether Consent to operate obtained ? | NA | (ii)Copies of all Consent to operate obtained since inception | NA | (iii)Date of Issue | N/A | (iv)Valid Upto | N/A | (v)File No. | NA | (vi)Application No. | NA | (vii)Copy of Consent to operate valid as on date | NA | |
10. | Project Cost: | (a)Total Cost of the Project at current price level (in Crores) | 5850 | (b) Funds Allocated for Environment Management (Capital) (in Crores) | 4034.04 | (c) Funds Allocated Towards CER (Corporate Environment Responsibility) (in Crores) | 29.30 | (d) Funds Allocated for Environment Management Plan (EMP) (Recurring per Annum) (in Crores) | 1.71 | |
11. | Whether project attracts the General Condition specified in the Schedule of EIA Notification ? | Yes | c)Notified Eco-sensitive areas | Yes | | |
12. | Whether project attract the Specific Condition specified in the Schedule of EIA Notification ? | No | | |
13. | Raw Material / Fuel Requirement: | (a)Proposed quantity of raw material/fuel | 24331 | (b)Existing quantity of raw material/fuel | N/A | (c)Total quantity of raw material/fuel | 24331 | |
  13.1. Raw Material / Fuel Profile |
S. No. | Raw Material / Fuel | Quantity | Unit | Other Unit | Source (incase of Import. please specify country and Name of the port from which Raw Material / Fuel is received ) | Mode of Transport | Other Mode of Transport | Distance of Source from Project Site (in Kilometres) (In case of import, distance from the port from which the raw material / fuel is received) | Type of Linkage | Other Type of Linkage | Uploaded Copy of Linkage |
(1.) | concrete | 24331 | Others | cubic m | market | Road | | 10 | Open Market | | Copy of Linkage | |
14. | Baseline Data : | (a)Period of Base Line Data Collection | FROM 01 Feb 2019 To 01 Oct 2019 | (b)Season | Three-Sesions | |
14.1. No. of ambient Air Quality (AAQ) monitoring locations : 6 |
S. No. | Criteria Pollutants | Other Criteria Pollutants | Unit | Maximum Value | Minimum Value | 98 Percentile Value | Prescribed Standard |
(1.) | PM2.5 | | Micro Gram per Meter Cube | 52 | 10 | 52 | 60 | (2.) | SO2 | | Micro Gram per Meter Cube | 7.8 | 6.0 | 7.8 | 80 | (3.) | NOx | | Micro Gram per Meter Cube | 34.5 | 11.0 | 34.1 | 80 | (4.) | PM10 | | Micro Gram per Meter Cube | 97 | 35 | 94 | 100 | |
14.2. No. of Ground Water monitoring locations : 15 |
S. No. | Criteria Pollutants | Other Criteria Pollutants | Heavy Metal | Unit | Other Unit | Maximum Value | Minimum Value | Desirable Limit | Maximum Permissible Limit |
(1.) | TSS | | | mg/l | | 40 | 20 | 100 | 200 | (2.) | pH | | | NA | | 8.11 | 6.01 | 6.5 | 8.5 | (3.) | Heavy Metals | | lead | mg/l | | 0.1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.1 | (4.) | TDS | | | mg/l | | 448 | 82 | 500 | 1500 | (5.) | Chlorides | | | mg/l | | 61.1 | 1.82 | 200 | 1000 | (6.) | Total Hardness | | | mg/l | | 432 | 44 | 200 | 500 | (7.) | Fluoride | | | mg/l | | 0.54 | 0 | 1 | 1.5 | |
14.3. No. of Surface Water monitoring locations : 5 |
S. No. | Criteria Pollutants | Other Criteria Pollutants | Unit | Other Unit | Maximum Value | Minimum Value | Classification of inland water body |
(1.) | DO | | mg/l | | 6.9 | 5.1 | A | (2.) | BOD | | mg/l | | 4 | 1 | A | (3.) | COD | | mg/l | | 12.67 | 3.13 | A | (4.) | pH | | NA | | 8.2 | 7.36 | A | |
14.4. No. of Ambient Noise monitoring locations : 6 |
S. No. | Parameter | Unit | Maximum Value | Minimum Value | Prescribed Standard |
(1.) | Leq(Day) | A-weighted decibels(dB(A)) | 46.05 | 40.94 | 55 | (2.) | Leq(Night) | A-weighted decibels(dB(A)) | 43 | 35 | 45 | |
14.5. No. of Soil Sample Monitored locations : 15 |
S. No. | Parameter | Unit | Other Unit | Maximum Value | Minimum Value |
(1.) | K(Potassium) | Milligram per Kilogram | | 3105.08 | 24 | (2.) | Electric Conductivity | Millisiemens per Centimetre | | 0.28 | 0.02 | (3.) | P(Phosphorus) | Milligram per Kilogram | | 65.89 | 0.08 | (4.) | N(Nitrogen) | Percent | | 4.05 | 0.03 | (5.) | pH | | | 8.41 | 6.35 | |
14.6. | Details of Ground Water Table: | (a)Range of Water Table Pre-Monsoon Season (Meters Below Ground Level (m bgl)) | From 0.48 To 25.47 | (b)Range of Water Table Post-Monsoon Season (Meters Below Ground Level (m bgl)) | From 0.22 To 23.61 | (c)Whether Ground Water Intersection will be there ? | No | |
15. Details of Water Requirement (During Operation) |
S. No. | Source | Source Other | Required Quantity (Kilolitre per Day (Kld)) | Distance from Source | Copy of Permission from Competent Authority | Mode of Transport | Other Mode of Transport | Method of Water Withdrawal | Other Method of Water Withdrawal | Letter No. | Date of Issue | Permitted Quantity |
(1.) | Surface | | 3000 | 0.5 | Copy of Permission Letter | Pipeline | | Others | PHED | DB\2423\25 | 16 May 2020 | 4000 | |
15.1. | (a)Whether Desalination is proposed | No | |
16. Waste Water Management(During Operation) |
S. No. | Type/Source | Quantity of Waste Water Generated (Kilolitre per Day) | Treatment Capacity (Kilolitre per Day) | Treatment Method | Mode of Disposal | Other Mode of Disposal | Quantity of Treated Water Used in Recycling/Reuse (Kilolitre per Day) | Quantity of Discharged Water (Kilolitre per Day) |
(1.) | domestic | 250 | 300 | SBR | Discharge into Surface Water Body | | | 250 | |
16.1. | (a)Total Waste Water Generation (Kilolitre per Day) | 250 | (b)Total Discharged Water (Kilolitre per Day) | 250 | (c)Total Reused Water (Kilolitre per Day) | 0 | |
17. Solid Waste Generation/Management |
S. No. | Name of Waste | Item | Other Item | Quantity per Annum | Unit | Distance from Site(KM) | Mode of Transport | Other Mode of Transport | Mode of Disposal | Other Mode of Disposal |
(1.) | solid | Municipal Solid Waste | | 0.7 | Tons | 15 | Road | | Sanitary Landfills | | |
18.1. Air Quality Impact Prediction |
S. No. | Criteria Pollutants | Other Criteria Pollutants | Unit | Baseline Concentration | Distance GLC | Incremental Concentration | Total GLC | Prescribed Standard |
(1.) | PM2.5 | | Microgram per Meter Cube | 30 | 0.1 | 12 | 45 | 60 | (2.) | PM10 | | Microgram per Meter Cube | 65 | 0.1 | 33 | 99 | 100 | (3.) | SO2 | | Microgram per Meter Cube | 7.2 | 0.1 | 1.2 | 8.5 | 80 | (4.) | NOx | | Microgram per Meter Cube | 24 | 0.1 | 2.5 | 27 | 80 | |
18.2. Stack Details |
S. No. | Source | Fuel | Stack Height(m) | Stack Diameter(m) | Pollutants | Other Pollutants | Emission (GLS) |
(1.) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SO2 | | 0 | |
19. | Power Requirement: | (a)Quantity (Kilo Volt Amps (kVA)) | 220 | (b)Source | JKPTCL | (c)Uploaded Copy of Agreement | Copy of Agreement | (d)Standby Arrangement (Details of DG Sets) | 0 | (e)Stack Height (in m) | 0 | |
20. | Land Ownership Pattern: | (a)Forest Land (ha.) | 680.1 | (b)Private Land (ha.) | 2441 | (c)Government Land (ha.) | 1228.9 | (d)Revenue Land (ha.) | 0 | (e)Other Land (ha.) | 0 | Total Land (ha.) | 4350 | |
21. | Present Land Use Breakup of the Study Area in Ha: | (a)Agriculture Area (ha.) | 29686 | (b)Waste/Barren Land (ha.) | 27881 | (c)Grazing/ Community Land (ha.) | 0 | (d)Surface Water Bodies (ha.) | 1310 | (e)Settlements (ha.) | 1108 | (f)Industrial (ha.) | 0 | (g)Forest (ha.) | 66532 | (h)Mangroves (ha.) | 0 | (i)Marine Area (ha.) | 0 | (j)Others (ha.) : snow | 6519 | Total (ha.) | 133036.0000 | |
22. Land requirement for various activities |
S. No. | Description of Activity / Facility / Plant / Others | Others | Land Requirement (ha.) | Remarks |
(1.) | Green belt | | 50 | | |
23. | Ecological and Environmental Sensitivity (Within 10 Km):- WLS-Wild Life Sanctuaries; NPA-Notified Protected Area; ESAs-Eco Sensitive Areas; ESZs-Eco Sensitive Zones : | |
23.1. Details of Ecological Sensitivity : |
S. No. | Details of Ecological Sensitivity | Name | Distance from the Project (Km) | Remarks |
(1.) | ESZs | JASROTA WILDLIFE | 1 | CANAL | (2.) | WLS | JASROTA WILDLIFE | 1 | CANAL | (3.) | NPA | NIL | 15 | NA | (4.) | ESAs | NIL | 16 | NA | (5.) | Corridors | NIL | 17 | NA | (6.) | Wildlife Corridors | NIL | 20 | NA | (7.) | Critically Polluted Area | NIL | 1000 | NA | |
23.2. Details of Environmental Sensitivity : |
S. No. | Details of Environmental Sensitivity | Other Details of Environmental Sensitivity | Name | Distance from the Project (Km) | Remarks |
(1.) | Archaeological Sites | | NIL | 30 | NA | (2.) | Defence Installations | | NIL | 30 | NA | (3.) | Forest | | KATUA | 0 | SUBMERGENCE | |
24. | Forest Land: | Whether any Forest Land involved? | Yes | (a)Forests Clearance Status | Under Process(Stage-II) | (b)Legal Status of Forest Land | Reserved | |
26. | Land Acquisition Status: | (a)Acquired Land(Ha) | 0 | (b)Land yet to be acquired(Ha) | 2441 | (c)Status of Land acquisition if not acquired | YET TO BE ACQUIRED | |
27. | Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R): | (a)No. of Villages | 52 | (b)No. of Households | 5475 | (c)No. of PDFs (Project Displaced Families) | 3700 | (d)No. of PAFs (Project Affected Families) | 3700 | (e)Funds Allocated for R&R(in INR) (in Lacs) | 377650 | (f)Status of R&R | In-Progress | |
28. | Details of Presence of Schedule-I Species: | (a)Whether there is Presence of Schedule-I Species ? | No | (b)Whether conservation plan for Schedule-I Species has been prepared ? | No | (c)Whether conservation plan for Schedule-I Species has been approved by competent authority ? | No | |
29. | Details of Presence of Water Bodies in Core Area: | (a)Whether there is Presence of Water Bodies in Core Area ? | No | (b)Whether there is Diversion Required ? | No | (c)Whether permission has been obtained from competent authority ? | No | |
30. | Details of Presence of Water Bodies in Buffer Area: | (a)Whether there is Presence of Water Bodies in Buffer Area ? | No | |
31. | Manpower Requirement: | (a)Permanent Employment-During Construction | 200 | (b)Permanent Employment-During Operation | 50 | (c)Temporary Employment- During Construction | 2850 | (d)Temporary Employment- During Operation | 100 | (e)No. of working days | 200 | (f)Total Manpower | 3200 | |
32. | Green Belt in Ha: | (a)Total Area of Green Belt | 50 | (b)Percentage of Total Project Area | 1.15 | (c)No. of Plants to be Planted | 50000 | (d)Funds Allocated for Plantation | 5000000 | (e)Uploaded Green Belt plan | Copy of Green Belt Plan | |
33. Project Benefits |
S. No. | Type of Project Benefits | Details of Project Benefits |
(1.) | Environmental | • Incremental Crop Production
• Increase in ground water recharge
• Increase in fish production
• Industrial water
• Drinking Water | (2.) | Social | • Increased Employment
Poverty Eradication/Food security
• Risk benefits
• Transfer of Technology
• Health and Nutrition
• Environmental Facility
• Tourist Place | (3.) | Financial | Generation of Power
Increase in Crop Production | |
34. CRZ Specific Details : Not Applicable |
35. Sector Specific Details For River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects |
1. | Project Sub Sector | Multipurpose Project | 2. | Name of the River | Ujh Multipurpose Project | 3. | Whether Cumulative Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity Study of River Basin is Carried Out? | No |
4. Type of Project: (Construction of Dam/ Barrage/ Run of the River/ Lift Irrigation Scheme) |
S. No. | Project Type | Dam Height (in meters) | Dam Length (in meters) | Total Submergence Area (in hectare) | Gross Command Area (GCA) (in hectare) | Irrigable Command Area (ICA) (in hectare) | Culturable Command Area (CCA) (in hectare) | Total Command Area (in hectare) |
(1.) | Construction of Dam | 116 | 420 | 3450 | 31800 | 8648 | 14084 | 31800 | |
5. | Powerhouse Installed Capacity | No | (a) Type of Powerhouse | Surface | (b) Capacity (in megawatts) | 62 | (c) No. of Tunnels | 2 | (d) No. of Units | 3 | (e) Bank of River | Right |
6. | Generation of Electricity Annually. | (a) Quantity of Generation of Electricity Annually (in giga watt hours) | 238.66 | (b) Water Availability at Various percentage | S. No. | Percentage | Water availability (in cusecs) | Dependable year | Remarks |
(1.) | 90 % | 738 | 1990 | | (2.) | 50 % | 1423 | 1992 | | (3.) | 75 % | 1073 | 2001 | | | (c) Machine Availability (in percent) | 95 | (d) Cost of Electricity Generation (in INR) | 10140000000 | (e) Internal Rate of Return (in percent) | 2.69 | (f) Year of achievement of Internal Rate of Return | 15 |
| 7. | Catchment Area Treatment Plan | Copy of Catchment Plan | 8. | Muck Management Plan | (a)Muck Management Plan | Copy of Muck Management Plan | (b) Total Excavation Muck (in cubic meter) | 1219000 | (c) Utilized for Construction (in cubic meter) | 21000 | (d) No. of Muck Disposal sites | 5 | (e) Total Muck Disposal Area (in hectare) | 30 |
| 9. | | 10. | Status of Environmental Flow | S. No. | Season | Average Inflow (in cumec) | Percent of Flow |
(1.) | Monsoon | 31.7 | 26 | (2.) | Lean | 3.14 | 20 | (3.) | Non-Lean Non-Monsoon | 6.28 | 25 | |
| 11. | Free Flow Stretch (in km) | 30 | 12. | Approval of Central Water Commission | Yes | (a)Approval Reference No. | I/j&K/Hyd-N/98/95/257 | (a)Date of Approval | 09 Jul 2009 | (a)Copy of Approval | Copy of approval |
| 13. | Approval of Central Electricity Authority | Yes | (a)Approval Reference No. | 18/67/2017-HPP&I/1069 | (a)Date of Approval | 03 Nov 2017 | (a)Copy of Approval | Copy of approval |
| 14. | Details of Coffer Dam (Upstream) | Yes | (a) Quantity of the material (in cubic meter). | 160474 | (b) Length of the dam (in meter) | 195.7 | (c) Decommissioning Plan | Copy of Decommissioning Plan |
| 15. | Details of Coffer Dam (Downstream) | Yes | (a) Quantity of the material (in cubic meter). | 46487 | (b) Length of the dam (in meter) | 143.28 | (c) Decommissioning Plan | Copy of Decommissioning Plan |
| |
36. | Details of Court Cases: | (a)Whether there is any Court Cases pending against the project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up ? | No | |
37. | Details of Direction Issued under Environment (Protection) Act / Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)) Act / Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act: | (a)Whether any Direction issued under EPA Act/Air Act/Water Act ? | No | |
38. | Details of EIA Consultant: | (a)Have you hired Consultant for preparing document? | Yes | (i)Accreditation No. | QCI\NABET\ENV\ACO\20\1500 | (ii)Name of the EIA Consultant | WAPCOS LIMITED | (iii)Address | PLOT 76/C SECTOR 18 GURGAON | (iv)Mobile No. | 9811487830 | (v)Landline No. | 0124239739 | (vi)Email Id | environment@wapcos.co.in | (vii)Category of Accreditation | A | (viii)Sector of Accreditation | River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects | (ix)Validity of Accreditation | 09 Apr 2021 | (x)Uploaded Certificate of Accreditation certified by QCI/NABET | Copy of Certificate of Accreditation | |
Essential Detail Sought: |
Sno. | EDS Letter | Remarks | Date of EDS |
1. | NA | 1. Public Hearing proceedings of 16th July 2020 is not legible.
2. valid kml file shall be uploaded.
3. Rank of Assistant Commissioner whether equivalent to rank of ADM, who has Chaired the PH on 26.08.2020 may be clarified. | 20 Nov 2020 | 2. | NA | The correction have been made as per the instruction received | 04 Dec 2020 | |
Additional Detail Sought: |
Sno. | ADS Letter | Remarks | Date of ADS |
1. | ADS Reply Letter | NA | 28 Jan 2021 | 2. | ADS Raise Letter | Please the attached letter regarding submission of Stage -1 Forest Clearance | 28 Jan 2021 | |
| Undertaking |
| I hereby give undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to be best of my knowledge and belief. And I am aware that if any part of the data and information found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. In addition to above, I hereby give undertaking that no activity/ construction/ expansion has since been taken up. |
| Name of Applicant | Jagdish Singh Chib | Designation | CE | Name of Company (Applicant Name should not be given here) | CHIEF ENGINEER CID JAMMU | Address | 18 C/C Gandhi Nagar Jammu |