Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Complex, Lodi Road,
2436 2434
Dated the
21st September, 2011
M/s NSL Mining Resources India Pvt.
Flat No. 501, 5th Floor,
Babukhan Millinennium Centre,
D. No. 6-3-1099/1100, Raj Bhawan
Somajiguda, Hyderabad – 500 082.
Sub: Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant of M/s NSL Mining
Resources India Pvt. Ltd., Village Muddavaram, Tehsil Bettamcharla, District
Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh – Prescribing of TOR - Regarding.
Reference is invited to your letter no.
NSLI/EC/BF-1/05/01 dated 27.5.2011 along
with the application in the prescribed format (Form-I) and a copy of the
project report to prescribe the TORs for undertaking
detailed EIA study for the purpose of obtaining environmental clearance
under the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006 in respect of the above
mentioned project.
2. The proposal is for setting up of a iron ore
beneficiation plant having a capacity of 0.75 million TPA throughput. The filter press technology will be
adopted. The total area for the project
is 4.92 ha. No forestland is
involved. Make up water requirement of
the project is estimated as 16.4 m3/hr, which will be obtained from
groundwater. Although the project
proponent has already collected the baseline AAQ data, the Committee desired
that the baseline data during the ensuing post monsoon season should be
collected. The filter cake will be used
for backfilling of mines and the filtrate water will be recycled and reused in
the process.
3. Based on the information contained in the
documents submitted and the presentation made before the Expert Appraisal
Committee (EAC) for mining projects during its Meeting held on August 24-26,
2011, the following TORs are prescribed:-
alternate sites considered, the relative merits and demerits and the reasons
for selecting the proposed site may be furnished.
the company have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by its Board of
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.
the Environment Policy prescribe for standard operating process/procedures to
bring into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental
or forest norms / conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA.
is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the company to deal with
the environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the EC
conditions. Details of this system may
be given.
the company have a system of reporting of non compliances / violations of
environmental norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or
shareholders or stakeholders at large?
This reporting mechanism should be detailed in the EIA report.
of the technology and process involved in the project may be given.
study area will comprise of 10 km zone around the project area and the data
contained in the EIA such as waste generation etc should be for the life of the
distribution of the iron ore with percentage weight (Particulate size analysis)
shall also be done to assess the source of fugitive dust emission of the ore
feed to the plant.
to manage the over size waste from the feed ore shall be provided.
of the solid waste to be generated and its management should be described. The
State of the art technology in this regard and supporting documents and
literature in support thereof, to show that such a technology is being adopted
successfully in other parts of the World or in the country anywhere, should be
given. The related environmental issues
associated such technology including the incremental requirement of power in adopting such technology vis-a-vis
other technologies should also be discussed in the EIA report. Management of fines and mitigation measures
to control these fines from getting airborne should also be discussed.
Land use of the study area should be indicated
delineating forest area, agricultural land, grazing land, wildlife sanctuary
and national park, migratory routes of fauna, water bodies, human settlements
and other ecological features.
Land use plan of the project area should be prepared
to encompass pre-operational, operational and post operational phases.
Location of the proposed plant w.r.t. the source of
raw material and mode of transportations of the ore from mines to the
beneficiation plant should be brought out.
Treatment of run off water/effluents from the
fines/waste dump/filter cake storage area should be described.
Estimation of the fines going into the washings and
its management should be made.
Details of the equipment, settling pond etc. should
be provided.
Detailed material balance should be provided.
Source of raw material and its transportation should
be indicated. Steps proposed to be taken to protect the ore from getting air
borne should be furnished.
Management and disposal of tailings/filter press
cake and closure plan of the tailing pond, if any, after the project is over
should be given.
Biological as well as health impact of fines and
other dust generated in the plant should be studied with reference to National
and International Standards (WHO and ILO standards including CPCB norms). The proposed mitigation measures with EMP
should also be provided.
Location of National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
Reserves, Wildlife corridors, Tiger/Elephant reserves (existing as well as
proposed), if any, within 10 km of the mine lease should be clearly indicated.
Necessary clearance, if any, as may be applicable to such projects due to
proximity of the ecologically sensitive areas as mentioned above should be
obtained from the State Wildlife Department/ Chief Wildlife Warden under the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and copy furnished.
A detailed biological study for the study area [core
zone and buffer zone (10 km radius of the periphery of the mine lease)] shall
be carried out. Details of flora and fauna, duly authenticated, separately for
core and buffer zone should be furnished based on field survey clearly
indicating the Schedule of the fauna present. In case of any scheduled-I fauna
found in the study area, the necessary plan for their conservation should be
prepared in consultation with State Forest and Wildlife Department and details
furnished. Necessary allocation of funds for implementing the same should be
made as part of the project cost.
R&R plan / compensation details for the project
affected people, if any, should be given.
Collection of one season (non-monsoon) primary
baseline data on ambient air quality, water quality, noise level, soil and
flora and fauna should be carried out and included in the EIA report. Site-specific meteorological data should also
be collected and included in the EIA report.
The location of the monitoring stations should be justified keeping in
view the pre-dominant down wind direction and location of sensitive
receptors. The baseline data already
collected could be utilized provided it meets the monitoring protocol.
Air quality modeling should be carried out for
prediction of impact of the project on the air quality of the area and results
furnished in the EIA report. It should also take into account the impact of
movement of vehicles for transportation of mineral. The details of the model
used and input parameters used for modeling should be provided. The air quality contours may be shown on a
location map clearly indicating the location of the site, location of sensitive
receptors, if any and the habitation.
The wind roses showing pre-dominant wind direction may also be indicated
on the map. The modelling should also
take into account the impact due to operation of generator sets to meet the
emergency power requirement for the project.
Details of maximum inventory of fuel for the
generator sets to be stored at site, if any, and its associated risk analysis
in the worst case scenario should be given.
The risk contours should be plotted on the location map.
The water requirement for the project, its
availability and source to be furnished.
A detailed water balance should also be provided. Fresh water requirement for the project
should also be indicated.
Necessary clearance from the Competent Authority for
drawl of requisite quantity of water for the project should be provided.
Details of water conservation measures proposed to
be adopted in the project should be furnished.
Impact of the project on the water quality both
surface and groundwater should be assessed and necessary safeguard measures, if
any required, should be provided.
Details of rainwater harvesting proposed, if any, in
the project should be provided.
Quantity of solid waste generation to be estimated
and details for its disposal and management should be provided.
Impact on local transport infrastructure due to the
project should be studied and results provided.
Projected increase in truck traffic as a result of the project in the
present road network (including those outside the project area) and whether it
is capable of handling the increased load should be given. Arrangement for improving the infrastructure,
if contemplated including action to be taken by other agencies such as State
Government, if any, should be covered.
Details of the infrastructure facilities to be
provided for the workers should be detailed.
Phase-wise plan of greenbelt development, plantation
and compensatory afforestation clearly indicating the area to be covered under
plantation and the species to be planted should be detailed. The details of
plantation already done should also be given.
Occupational health impact of the project should be
furnished. Details of pre-placement
medical examination and periodical medical examination schedules should be
incorporated in the EMP.
Measures of socio economic influence to the local
community proposed to be provided by project proponent should be given. As far as possible, quantitative dimension to
be given.
Detailed environmental management plan to mitigate
the environmental impacts due to the project should be furnished.
Public hearing points raised and commitment of the
project proponent on the same should be given in the EIA.
Any litigation pending against the project and /or
any direction /order passed by any Court of Law against the project, if so,
details thereof should be given in the EIA report.
The cost of the project (capital cost and recurring cost) as well as the cost towards
implementation of EMP should clearly be spelt out.
4. Besides the above, the below mentioned
general points are also to be followed:-
a) All documents to be properly
referenced with index and continuous page numbering.
Where data are presented in the report especially in
tables, the period in which the data were collected and the sources should be
Where the documents provided are in a language other
than English, an English translation should be provided.
The Questionnaire for environmental appraisal of
industrial projects as devised earlier by the Ministry shall also be filled and
While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for
the proponents and instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M.
No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are
available on the website of this Ministry, should also be followed.
5. The EIA report should also include (i)
surface plan of the area indicating contours of main topographic features,
drainage and mining area, (ii) geological maps and sections and (iii) sections
of the mine pit and external dumps, if any, clearly showing the land features
of the adjoining area.
6. The prescribed
TORs would be valid for a period of two years for submission of the EIA/EMP
reports, as per the O.M. No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 22.3.2010.
7. After preparing the draft EIA (as per the
generic structure prescribed in Appendix-III of the EIA Notification, 2006)
covering the above mentioned issues, the proponent will get the public hearing
conducted and take further necessary action for obtaining environmental
clearance in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the EIA
Notification, 2006.
(Dr. S.K. Aggarwal)
Copy to:-
Secretary, Department of Environment, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Secretariat,
Hyderabad-500 022.
Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhawan, A-3, Industrial
Estate, Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad-500 018.
Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government
of India, Regional Office, Kendriya Sadan, 4th Floor, E&F Wings,
7th Main Road, II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034.
(Dr. S.K. Aggarwal)