
Government of India

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Paryavaran Bhawan,

CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi-110003.


Dated: 16th April 2007


General Manager ,

Orient Area

M/s Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd.,

P.O. Brajrajnagar,

Jharsuguda – 768 216,



Sub:       Expansion of Orient Underground Coal Mine Project (from 0.15 mTPA to 0.5 MTPA) of M/s Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. located at Brajrajnagar, District Jharsuguda, Orissa – TOR – reg.



                This is to inform you that the Expert Committee (Thermal & Coal Mining) in its meeting held on 12-14th February 2007 , based on the information furnished and presentation made, has prescribed the following TORs for preparation of the EIA-EMP Study for the aforesaid project:


(i)                               Specify locations showing on a map the State, District, and the project location.

(ii)                             The study area will comprise of 10 km zone around the mine lease area.

(iii)                            Land use in the study area delineating agricultural land (irrigated and unirrigated),

uncultivable land being barren or used for grazing, etc., other industries in the area, forest area (wildlife areas), water bodies. Nature of the land should be got authenticated by Revenue Department/Agriculture Department of the State Government.

(iv)      A site plan showing the areas earmarked for various components of the project including administrative block, colony, greenbelt, rehabilitation site, truck parking, store, etc. shall be furnished.

(v)       Collection of one season (non-monsoon) primary baseline data on ambient air quality (SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx) , water quality, noise level, soil characteristics and flora and fauna of the study area.

(vi)      Monitoring of baseline data on health of the people in the core zone and in close proximity (say within 2 km) of the proposed mine.

(vii)     Water requirement and its source. A detailed water balance may be provided. It should also include the impact of pumping of groundwater and ist discharge into other water body in the area, especially during monsoon season.

 (viii)    A detailed scheme for rainwater harvesting shall also be prepared for groundwater recharging and details furnished.

(ix)      Prediction of impact on different environmental components inter-alia (1) air including noise, (ii) water, (iii) soil, (iv) flora and fauna and (v) socio-economic. It will also take into account the emissions from the vehicles and loading and unloading activities. The details of the model used and the input data and emission factor used in the modelling should be provided.

(x)      Impact due to blasting, noise and vibrations.

 (xi)     Details of various facilities to be provided for the truckers and other labourers in terms of parking, rest areas, etc.

(xii)     Details of wastewater generation, its treatment and disposal.

(xiii)    Details of solid waste management.

(xiv)    Arrangement of measurement of gas, it being a gassy mine.

 (xiv)   Depilalring and its impact on subsidence.

(xv)     Impact on local transport infrastructure due to the project. Projected increase in truck traffic as a result of the project in the present road network (including those outside the project area)  and whether it is capable of handling the increased load. What arrangements for improving the infrastructure is contemplated including action to be taken by other agencies such as State Government.

(xvi)    Conceptual post mine land use. Pre and post land use.

(xvii)    Progressive greenbelt development plan. Details of compensatory afforestation should also be provided. Mixed species should be used and monoculture should be avoided.

(xviii)   Detailed environmental management plan to mitigate the environmental impacts as brought out above which should inter-alia, also include the pumping of groundwater

(xix)    Arrangement for health surveillance, common occupational diseases and the type of diagnostic tests, frequency, etc.

(xx)     Risk analysis including subsidence study.

(xxi) Public hearing issues raised and commitment of the project proponent on the same.

(xxii) Measures of socio-economic influence to the local community proposed to be provided by the project proponent. As far as possible, quantitative dimensions should be given..

(xxiii)  Technology proposed to be used including for mining, drilling, etc.

(xxiv)   Note on evacuation of coal from the mining showing the different stages , i.e., from the pithead to coal dumps, etc. and transfer points including details of CHP and conveyor system.

(xxv)   Proposal for dust suppression at various points, i.e, mine, crusher, transfer points, haul roads, and coal dumps tot eh consumer. Details to be provided including alternatives considered, i.e, enclosing transfer points where possible, bag filters, static and movable water sprinkler, their number, etc.

(xxvi) Any litigation pending regarding the project. If so, details with copies of relevant documents should be provided.


Besides the above, the following general points will be followed:

i.                     All documents to be properly referenced with index, page numbers and continuous page numbering.

ii.                   Where data is presented in the report in a table, the period in which the data was collected and the source should invariably be indicated.

iii.                  Where the documents provided are in a language other than English, an English translation should be provided.


The EIA-EMP Report should also include (i) surface plan of the area including the contours of the main topographical features, drainage and mining area, (ii) geological maps and sections, and (iii) sections of the mine pit and OB dumps clearly showing the land features of the adjoining area.


After preparing the draft EIA-EMP Report covering the above mentioned issues, the proponent will get the public hearing conducted and take further necessary action for obtaining environmental clearance in accordance with the procedure under the EIA Notification, 2006.


Yours faithfully,






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