No. J-11015/484/2008-IA.II(M)

Government of India

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Paryavaran Bhawan,

CGO Complex,

New Delhi-110510.


Dated: 31st December 2008

M/s Global Coal & Mining Pvt. Ltd.,

7th Floor, Corporate Tower,

Ambience Mall,

NH-8, GURGAON – 122 001.


Sub:     Expansion of existing Coal Beneficiation Plant (2 MTPA to 4 MTPA) of M/s Global Coal & Mining Pvt. Ltd., located at Talcher, Dist. Angul, Orissa -  Terms of Reference  (TOR) – reg.


            This is with reference to letter no. GCMPL/TAL/EC/2008 dated 10.11.2008 regarding the above-mentioned subject which was considered in the meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Thermal & Coal Mining Projects) held on 17th –18th December 2008. It was informed that the proposal is for expansion of the existing coal washery unit located in an area of 13.645 acres in IDCO’s Industrial Estate at South Balanda Talcher, Orissa from 2 MTPA to 4 MTPA (ROM). The technology to be used is by wet process (Batac Jig) whereby ‘F’ grade coal would be beneficiated and clean coal of 33.5 + 0.5% would be produced along with coal rejects containing 58 + 3%. The clean coal is to be used in thermal power plants and the rejects are proposed to be used in a 35x 2 (70 MW) power plants using FBC Technology, which is to be established within the premises where the washery is located. Coal fines would also be blended with clean coal and sold to consumer (TPP). The washery is based on zero-discharge principle (closed circuit).  Plantation would be developed within the premises over an area of 2.5 ha. The company has received Expression of Interest from companies such as Neyveli Lignite Corp.

The unit has obtained Consent to Operate for their existing capacity of 2 MTPA from the Orissa SPCB. The proponent in view that the washery unit is situated in an Industrial Area requested for exemption from conduct of Public Hearing.


The Committee after discussions agreed for exemption of conduct of P.H. and gave the following TOR:

(i)         A brief description of the plant, the technology used, the source of coal, the mode of transport of incoming unwashed coal and the outgoing washed coal. Specific pollution control and mitigative measures for the entire process.

(ii)        The EIA-EMP report should cover the impacts and management plan for the project of the capacity for EC is sought and the impacts of specific activities on the environment of the region, and the environmental quality – air, water, land, biotic community, etc. through collection of data and information, generation of data on impacts for the rated capacity. If the washery is captive to a coal mine/TPP/Plant the cumulative impacts on the environment and usage of water should be brought out along with the EMP.

(iii)       A Study area map of the core zone and 10km area of the buffer showing major industries/mines and other polluting sources, which shall also indicate the migratory corridors of fauna, if any and the areas where endangered fauna and plants of medicinal and economic importance are found in the area. If there are any ecologically sensitive areas found within the 15km buffer zone, the shortest distance form the National Park/WL Sanctuary Tiger Reserve, etc should be shown and the comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State Government should be furnoished.

(iv)       Collection of one-season (non-monsoon) primary base-line data on environmental quality – air (SPM, RSPM, SOx and NOx and heavy metals such as Hg), noise, water (surface and groundwater), soil. 

(v)        Detailed water balance should be provided. The break up of water requirement as per  of water for use in mine, sanction of the competent authority in the State Govt.. and examine if the unit can be zero discharge including recycling and reuse of the wastewater for other uses such as green belt, etc.




(vi)       Impact of choice of the selected use of technology and impact on air quality and waste generation (emissions and effluents). 

(vii)       Impacts of mineral transportation – the entire sequence of mineral production, transportation, handling, transfer and storage of mineral and waste, if any, and their impacts on air quality should be shown in a flow chart with the specific points where fugitive emissions can arise and the specific pollution control/mitigative measures proposed to be put in place.

(viii)      Details of various facilities to be provided for the personnel involved in mineral transportation in terms of parking, rest areas, canteen, and effluents/pollution load from these activities.  Examine whether existing roads are adequate to take care of the additional load of mineral [and rejects] transportation, their impacts. Details of workshop, if any, and treatment of workshop effluents.

(ix)       Impacts of CHP, if any on air and water quality. A flow chart of water use and whether the unit can be made a zero-discharge unit.

(x)        Details of green belt development.

(xi)       Including cost of EMP (capital and recurring) in the project cost.

(xii)       Status of any litigations/ court cases filed/pending on the project.

(xiii)      Submission of sample test analysis of:

(xiv)      Characteristics of coal to be washed- this includes grade of coal and other characteristics – ash, S and and heavy metals including levels of Hg, As, Pb, Cr etc.

(xv)       Characteristics and quantum of washed coal.

(xvi)      Characteristics and quantum of coal waste rejects.

(xvii)     Management/disposal/Use of coal waste rejects

(xviii)    Copies of MOU/Agreement with linkages (for stand alone washery) for the capacity for which EC has been sought.

(xix)      Submission of sample test analysis of:

Characteristics of coal to be washed- this includes grade of coal and other characteristics – ash, S


The following general points should be noted:

(i)                  All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii)        Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.

(iii)       Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional languages.

(iv)               After the preparation of the EIA-EMP Report on the coal washery as per the aforesaid TOR ,

the company shall take necessary action for obtaining environmental clearance under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006.

(v)                The details of the EIA-EMP Report should be summarised in the Mining Sector Questionnaire

posted on the MOEF website with all sections duly filled in and furnished along with the EIA-EMP (Final) Report.

(vi)               The copy of the letter received from the Ministry on the TOR prescribed for the project should

be attached as an annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.

(vii)             The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues in TOR. The

index of the final EIA-EMP report, must indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the specific TOR prescribed by Ministry.


Yours faithfully,







Copy to:            Chairman, Orissa State Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, A/118, Nilkanthanagar, Unit VIII, Bhubaneshwar – 751012.



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