of India
of Environment & Forests
Delhi -110510.
10th February 2009
of Department Env./CE(Civil),
M/s Western Coalfields Ltd.,
Estate, Civil Lines,
– 440001.
Sub: Makardhokra-II Opencast Coal Mine
Expansion Project (0.50 MTPA to 1.5 MTPA) of M/s Western Coalfields Ltd. (WCL),
located in village Kanhwa, Tehsil Umrer, District Nagpur, Maharashtra-
environmental clearance – reg.
This has reference to letter No. 43011/47/2007-CPAM dated 13.06.2008 of
Ministry of Coal forwarding your application and letters dated 26.09.2008,
31.12.2008 and 23.01.2009 on the above-mentioned subject. The Ministry of
Environment & Forests has considered the application. It has been noted that the application is
for environmental clearance u/s 7 (ii)
of the EIA Notification 2006 for expansion in production in the existing
Makardhokra-II Opencast Coalmine Project
within the existing lease area of 258.23 ha which is an amalgamation of part of
Makardhokra-II Underground Coalmine Project (225.35 ha) and part of existing
Umrer OCP of 32.88 ha). Environmental clearance was obtained for
Makardhokra-II OCP for 0.5 MTPA rated capacity on 14.03.2006. The entire ML
area consists of agricultural land. No forestland is involved. Of the total
lease area, area for excavation is 91.95 ha, 94.96 ha is for OB dumps (which
includes 32.88 ha of Umrer OCP leasehold), 2.75 ha is for infrastructure, 32.85
ha is for embankment, 17.40 ha is for diversion of nala, and 18.32 ha is area
for rationalisation. There area no National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary,
Biosphere Reserves found in the 15 km buffer zone. The area is drained by the
River Amb flowing at a distance of 100m from the lease boundary. An embankment
is proposed along the river where the quarry surface RL is less than 277.85 m
(3 m above HFL of 274.85m). Project involves R&R of land oustees only.
Mining is opencast by mechanised method involving shovel-dumper. The rated capacity of the mine is 1.5
million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of coal production. Mineral transportation
of coal is by road. Ultimate working depth of the mine is 145m below ground
level (bgl). Water table is in the range of 4-7 m bgl in the core zone and 1-10
m bgl in the buffer zone. Average water requirement is 260 m3/d, which is met
from Water Supply Scheme. The total OB generation over the life of mine is
estimated as 40.637 Mm3 of which 21.309 Mm3 will be dumped in 2 external dump
and balance 19.329 Mm3 (47.5 %) would be backfilled. Backfilling has begun. Public Hearing was held on 23.09.2004 for
0.5 MTPA capacity project. Balance life of the mine at 1.50 MTPA rated capacity
is 5 years. The project has been approved by M/s WCL on 07.01.2006. The capital
cost of the project is Rs. 4462.39 lakhs.
2. The Ministry of Environment &
forests hereby accords environmental clearance for the above-mentioned Makardhokra-II Opencast Coal Mine Project of
M/s WCL for expansion in production of
coal from 0.5 MTPA to 1.5 MTPA rated capacity in a lease area of 258.23 ha under
the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 and
subsequent amendments thereto subject to the compliance of the terms and
conditions mentioned below:
A. Specific
(i) The embankment
constructed along the river boundary shall be of suitable dimensions and
stabilised with plantation so as to withstand the peak water flow and prevent
mine inundation.
(ii) OB shall be stacked
at two earmarked external OB dumpsite(s) only. The ultimate slope of the dump
shall not exceed 28o. Monitoring and management of existing
reclaimed dumpsites shall continue until the vegetation becomes
self-sustaining. Compliance status shall be submitted to the Ministry of
Environment & Forests and its Regional office located at Bhopal on
yearly basis.
(iii) Catch drains and
siltation ponds of appropriate size shall be constructed to arrest silt and
sediment flows from soil, OB and mineral dumps. The water so collected shall be
utilised for watering the mine area, roads, green belt development, etc. The
drains shall be regularly desilted and maintained properly.
Garland drains (size, gradient and length) and sump capacity shall be
designed keeping 50% safety margin over and above the peak sudden rainfall and
maximum discharge in the area adjoining the mine site. Sump capacity shall also
provide adequate retention period to allow proper settling of silt material.
(iv) Dimension
of the retaining wall at the toe of the dumps and OB benches within the mine to
check run-off and siltation shall be based on the rainfall data.
(v) Crushers
at the CHP shall be operated with high efficiency bag filters, water sprinkling
system shall be provided to check fugitive emissions from crushing operations,
conveyor system, haulage roads, transfer points, etc.
(vi) Drills shall be wet
(vii) The project authorities shall undertake repairing and tarring of roads used for mineral transportation.
(viii) Controlled
blasting shall be practiced with use of delay detonators and only during
daytime. The mitigative measures for control of ground vibrations and to arrest
the fly rocks and boulders shall be implemented.
(ix) A
progressive afforestation plan shall be implemented covering an area of 170.26
ha, which includes reclaimed external OB dump (62.08 ha within the ML and 32.88
ha outside the mine in Umrer OCP), backfilled area (19.95 ha), along ML
boundary, along roads and infrastructure 1 ha), embankment (32.50 ha) and along
diverted nallah (9 ha) vacant land (12.50 ha) and in township located outside
the lease by planting native species in consultation with the local
DFO/Agriculture Department. The density of the trees shall be around 2500
plants per ha. Massive plantation shall be carried out in open spaces in and
around the mine and avenue plantation along the main approach roads to the
(x) The
backfilled quarry area of 19.95 ha shall be reclaimed with plantation and a
void of 25.65 ha which is propose to be converted into a water body shall be
gently sloped and the upper benches shall be terraced and stabilised with
plantation/afforestation by planting native plant species in consultation with
the local DFO/Agriculture Department. The density of the trees shall be around
2500 plants per ha.
(xi) An action Plan shall be prepared for protection of the plantation after the same has been taken over by the Company from the State Forest Agency after three year of their initial control. The cost for its maintenance shall be appropriately reflected in the cost of EMP.
(xii) The
company shall obtain approval of CGWA/CGWB Regional Office for use of
groundwater if any, for mining operations.
(xiii) Regular
monitoring of groundwater level and quality shall be carried out by
establishing a network of exiting wells and construction of new peizometers.
The monitoring for quantity shall be done four times a year in pre-monsoon
(May), monsoon (August), post-monsoon (November) and winter (January) seasons
and for quality in May. Data thus collected shall be submitted to the Ministry
of Environment & Forests and tot eh Central Pollution Control Board
quarterly within one month of monitoring.
(xiv) The
Company shall put up artificial groundwater recharge measures for augmentation
of groundwater resource. The project authorities shall meet water requirement
of nearby village(s) in case the village wells go dry due to dewatering of
(xv) Sewage
treatment plant shall be installed in the existing colony. ETP shall also be
provided for workshop and CHP wastewater.
(xvi) Besides
carrying out regular periodic health check up of their workers, 10% of the
workers identified from workforce engaged in active mining operations shall be
subjected to health check up for occupational diseases and hearing impairment,
if any, through an agency such as NIOH, Ahmedabad within a period of one year
and the results reported to this Ministry and to DGMS.
(xvii) For monitoring land use pattern and for post
mining land use, a time series of landuse maps, based on satellite imagery (on
a scale of 1: 5000) of the core zone and buffer zone, from the start of the
project until end of mine life shall be prepared once in 3 years (for any one
particular season which is consistent in the time series), and the report
submitted to MOEF and its Regional office at Bhopal.
(xviii) A
Final Mine Closure Plan along with details of Corpus Fund shall be submitted to
the Ministry of Environment & Forests within six months from date of
environmental clearance for approval.
(xix) The
project authorities shall in consultation with the panchayat of the local
villages identify socio-economic and welfare measures under CSR to be carried
out over the balance life of the mine.
B. General Conditions
No change in
mining technology and scope of working shall be made without prior approval of
the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
No change in the
calendar plan including excavation, quantum of mineral coal and waste shall be
Four ambient air
quality monitoring stations shall be established in the core zone as well as in
the buffer zone for monitoring SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOx and heavy metals such as
Hg, As, Ni, Cr, etc. Location of the
stations shall be decided based on the meteorological data, topographical
features and environmentally and ecologically sensitive targets in consultation
with the State Pollution Control Board.
Data on ambient
air quality (SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOx and heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cr,
etc) shall be regularly submitted to the Ministry including its Regional Office
at Bhopal and to the State Pollution Control Board and the Central Pollution
Control Board once in six months.
Fugitive dust
emissions (SPM and RSPM and heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cr, etc) from all
the sources shall be controlled regularly monitored and data recorded properly.
Water spraying arrangement on haul roads, wagon loading, dump trucks (loading
and unloading) points shall be provided and properly maintained.
measures shall be taken for control of noise levels below 85 dBA in the work
environment. Workers engaged in blasting and drilling operations, operation of
HEMM, etc shall be provided with ear plugs/muffs.
wastewater (workshop and wastewater from the mine) shall be properly collected,
treated so as to conform to the standards prescribed under GSR 422 (E) dated 19th
May 1993 and 31st December 1993 or as amended from time to time
before discharge. Oil and grease trap shall be installed before discharge of
workshop effluents.
quality monitoring (air, water, soil) shall also include random verification of
samples through analysis from independent laboratories recognised under the
E(P)A Rules, 1986 and shall be furnished as part of the Report.
emissions shall be kept under control and regularly monitored. Vehicles used for
transporting the mineral shall be covered with tarpaulins and optimally loaded.
laboratory shall be established with adequate number and type of pollution
monitoring and analysis equipment in consultation with the State Pollution
Control Board.
working in dusty areas shall wear protective respiratory devices and they shall
also be provided with adequate training and information on safety and health
health surveillance programme of the workers shall be undertaken periodically
to observe any contractions due to exposure to dust and to take corrective
measures, if needed.
A separate
environmental management cell with suitable qualified personnel shall be set up
under the control of a Senior Executive, who will report directly to the Head
of the company.
The funds
earmarked for environmental protection measures shall e kept in separate
account and shall not be diverted for other purpose. Year-wise expenditure
shall be reported to this Ministry and its Regional Office at Bhopal.
The Regional
Office of this Ministry located at Bhopal shall monitor compliance of the
stipulated conditions. The Project authorities shall extend full cooperation to
the office(s) of the Regional Office by furnishing the requisite data/
information/monitoring reports.
A copy of the
will be marked to concerned Panchayat/ local NGO, if any, from whom any
suggestion/representation has been received while processing the proposal.
State Pollution
Control Board shall display a copy of the clearance letter at the Regional Office, District Industry Centre and
Collector’s Office/Tehsildar’s Office for 30 days.
The Project
authorities shall advertise at least in two local newspapers widely circulated
around the project, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the
locality concerned within seven days of the clearance letter informing that the
project has been accorded environmental clearance and a copy of the clearance
letter is available with the State Pollution control Board and may also be seen
at the website of the ministry of Environment & Forests at The
compliance status shall also be uploaded by the project authorities in their
website so as to bring the same in the public domain. The data shall also be
displayed at the entrance of the project premises and mines office and in
corporate office.
The Ministry or any other competent
authority may stipulate any further condition for environmental protection.
4. Failure to comply
with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in withdrawal of this
clearance and attract the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
5. The above conditions
will be enforced inter-alia, under
the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974,
the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with
their amendments and Rules.
Copy to:
Secretary, Ministry of Coal, New
Secretary, Department of
Environment, Government of Maharashtra, 15th Floor, New Admn. Bldg.,
Madam Cama Road, MUMBAI – 400032..
Chief Conservator of Forests,
Regional office (EZ), Ministry of Environment & Forests, E-2/240 Arear
Colony, Bhopal – 462016.
Chairman, Maharsashtra State
Pollution Control Board, Kalapataru Point, 3rd & 4th
Floors, Sion, Matunga Scheme Road No. 8, Opp. Cine Planet Cinema, Near Sion
Circle, Sion (E), Mumbai – 400002.
Chairman, Central Pollution Control
Board, CBD-cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi -110032.
Member-Secretary, Central Ground
Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Curzon Road Barracks, A-2, W-3
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
Shri M.K. Shukla, CGM, Coal India
Limited, SCOPE Minar, Core-I, 4t Floor, Vikas Marg, Laxminagar, New Delhi.
District Collector, Nagpur,
Government of Maharashtra.
EI Division, Ministry of
Environment & Forests, New Delhi.
10. Monitoring File 10. Guard File 11. Record