Government of
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan,
Shri Shekar Berde,
Sr. Manager - Projects,
M/s Abhijeet
Infrastructure Ltd.,
Bhilai – 490 026,
Sub: Brinda-Sisai Coal Mine Project (0.68 MTPA)
of M/s Abhijeet Infrastructure Ltd. located in Jamadoba Colliery in villages
Pokla alias Kasidih, Ghagra, Katahi Misraul, Kishnupur, Madhwapur, Brinda,
Sisai, Serangdag, Kabra, Bijua, Gopda, Nawadih, Navakhap, & Chhatti Bariytu,
Tehsil Simaria, Tandwa,, Tandwa, Kherada, CD Blocks, in Districts Hazaribagh
and Chatra, Jharkand - Environmental Clearance – reg.
has reference to your letter No. AIL/B-S/EC/MoEF/06/94 dated 06.10.2006 enclosing
your application on the above-mentioned subject. The Ministry of Environment
& Forests has considered your application.
It has been noted that the project is for opening a new Brinda Sisai Coal Mine Project for production of coal at a rated
capacity of 0.68 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) for captive consumption of the
0.70 MTPA linked Sponge Iron Plant at Hazaribagh. Mining will be both
opencast and underground by semi-mechanised method. The total lease area of Brinda Sisai Coalmine project is 1377.62 ha
of which 695.17 ha is agricultural land, 632.67 ha is forestland, 49.78 ha is surface
water bodies. Forestry clearance has
been obtained. There are no National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere
Reserves found in the 10 km buffer zone. The Banalat and
2. The
Ministry of Environment & Forests hereby accords environmental clearance
for the above-mentioned Brinda-Siasai
Coal Mine Project of M/s Abhijeet Infrastructure
Ltd. for production of coal of 0.68 MTPA rated capacity over a lease area of
1377.62 ha under Section 12 of the Environmental Impact Assessment
Notification, 2006 and subsequent amendments thereto and under Para 2.1.1 of
MOEF Circular dated 13.10.2006 subject to the compliance of the terms and
conditions mentioned below:
A. Specific Conditions
(i) No mining operations
shall be undertaken in the forestland until forestry clearance has been
obtained under the provisions of FC Act, 1980.
(ii) Mining shall be carried
out as per statuette at a safe distance from the Barki Nadi flowing adjacent to
and rivulets flowing within the lease boundary.
(iii) The bund/embankment to be constructed
alongside Barki Nadi shall be designed taking into account the highest flood
level, based on past data, so as to guard against mine inundation. The
slope of the embankment shall at least 2:1 towards the ML. The height of the
embankment shall be at least 3 m higher
than the HFL.
(iv) Topsoil should be stacked properly with proper slope at
earmarked site(s) and should not be kept active and shall be used for
reclamation and development of green belt.
(vi) Catch drains and siltation ponds of appropriate size should be
constructed to arrest silt and sediment flows from soil,
(vii) Dimension of the retaining wall at the toe of the dumps and
(viii) The UG mining in Brinda
Block shall be started only after the voids created by the opencast operations
have been completely filled up with
(ix) While extracting panels
in the lower seam by UG method, all water bodies in the subsidence area shall
be drained. Dewatering of the old goaves of the upper seam shall be continued
as long as the lower seam is worked to prevent accumulation of large water
bodies over working area.
(x) At the time of
depillaring, protective bunds and garland drains shall be provided so that no
water from the surface enters the subsidence area and the shaft.
(xi) Sufficient coal pillars shall be left
unextracted around the air shaft (within the subsidence influence area) to
protect from any damage from subsidence, if any.
(xii) Solid barriers shall be left below the
roads falling within the blocks to avoid any damage to the roads.
(xiii) No depillaring operation shall be carried
out below the roads and village area found within the lease until they are
(xiv) Regular monitoring of subsidence movement on
the surface over and around the working area and impact on natural drainage
pattern, water bodies, vegetation, structure, roads, and surroundings should be
continued till movement ceases completely. In case of observation of any high
rate of subsidence movement, appropriate effective corrective measures should
be taken to avoid loss of life and material. Cracks should be effectively
plugged with ballast and clayey soil/suitable material.
(xv) No mineral beneficiation/ coal washery
shall be permitted without prior clearance form this Ministry.
(xvi) High efficiency bag filters/water sprinkling
system should be provided to check fugitive emissions from conveyor system,
haulage roads, transfer points, etc.
(xvii) Drills should be wet operated.
(xviii) Controlled blasting for OC operations should be
practiced only during daytime with use of delay detonators. The mitigative
measures for control of ground vibrations and to arrest the fly rocks and
boulders should be implemented.
brought under afforestation shall not be less than 245 ha and shall include
reclaimed external
(xx) A Progressive Closure Plan shall be implemented
by reclamation of quarry area of Sisai Block which shall be backfilled,
stabilised and afforested by planting native plant species in consultation with
the local DFO/Agriculture Department. The density of the trees should be around
2500 plants per ha.
(xxi) Conservation Plan for endangered species, if
any, found in and around the project area shall be formulated, if required, in
consultation with the
(xxii) The company shall obtain prior approval of
CGWA/CGWB Regional Office for use of groundwater if required, for mining
(xxiii) Regular monitoring of groundwater level and
quality should be carried out by establishing a network of exiting wells and
construction of new peizometers. The monitoring for quantity should be done
four times a year in pre-monsoon (May), monsoon (August), post-monsoon
(November) and winter (January) seasons and for quality in May. Data thus
collected should be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests and to
the Central Pollution Control Board quarterly within one month of monitoring.
(xxiv) The Company shall put up artificial
groundwater recharge measures for augmentation of groundwater resource. The
project authorities should meet water requirement of nearby village(s) in case
the village wells go dry due to dewatering of mine.
(xxv) ETP should also be provided for treating
workshop effluents and excess mine water to meet prescribed standards before
(xxvi) R&R shall not be less than the norms laid down
by the State Government and shall be completed within a specified time-frame.
(xxvii) A Final Mine Closure Plan along with details of
Corpus Fund should be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests for
approval 5 years in advance of final mine closure for approval.
(xxviii) Consent to Operate shall
be obtained before starting mining operations.
B. General Conditions
change in mining technology and scope of working should be made without prior
approval of the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
change in the calendar plan including excavation, quantum of mineral coal and
waste should be made.
ambient air quality monitoring stations should be established in the core zone
as well as in the buffer zone for SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx monitoring. Location of the stations should be decided
based on the meteorological data, topographical features and environmentally
and ecologically sensitive targets in consultation with the State Pollution
Control Board.
dust emissions (SPM and RPM) from all the sources should be controlled
regularly monitored and data recorded properly. Water spraying arrangement on
haul roads, wagon loading, dump trucks (loading and unloading) points should be
provided and properly maintained.
on ambient air quality (SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx) should be regularly submitted to
the Ministry including its Regional Office at Bhubaneshwar and to the State
Pollution Control Board and to the Central Pollution Control Board once in six
measures should be taken for control of noise levels below 85 dBA in the work
environment. Workers engaged in blasting and drilling operations, operation of
HEMM, etc should be provided with ear plugs/muffs.
wastewater (workshop and wastewater from the mine) should be properly
collected, treated so as to conform to the standards prescribed under GSR 422
(E) dated
(viii) Vehicular emissions should be
kept under control and regularly monitored. Vehicles used for transporting the
mineral should be covered with tarpaulins and optimally loaded.
laboratory should be established with adequate number and type of pollution
monitoring and analysis equipment in consultation with the State Pollution
Control Board.
working in dusty areas should wear protective respiratory devices and they
should also be provided with adequate training and information on safety and
health aspects.
health surveillance programme of the workers should be undertaken periodically
to observe any contractions due to exposure to dust and to take corrective
measures, if needed.
separate environmental management cell with suitable qualified personnel should
be set up under the control of a Senior Executive, who will report directly to
the Head of the company.
funds earmarked for environmental protection measures should e kept in separate
account and should not be diverted for other purpose. Year-wise expenditure
should be reported to this Ministry and its Regional Office at Bhubaneshwar.
Regional Office of this Ministry located at Bhubaneshwar shall monitor
compliance of the stipulated conditions. The Project authorities shall extend
full cooperation to the office(s) of the Regional Office by furnishing the
requisite data/ information/monitoring reports.
copy of the will be marked to concerned Panchayat/ local NGO, if any, from whom
any suggestion/representation has been received while processing the proposal.
Pollution Control Board should display a copy of the clearance letter at the Regional
Office, District Industry Centre and Collector’s Office/Tehsildar’s Office for
30 days.
Project authorities should advertise at least in two local newspapers widely
circulated around the project, one of which shall be in the vernacular language
of the locality concerned within seven days of the clearance letter informing
that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and a copy of the
clearance letter is available with the State Pollution control Board and may
also be seen at the website of the ministry of Environment & Forests at
3. The Ministry or any other competent authority may stipulate
any further condition for environmental protection.
4. Failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above
may result in withdrawal of this clearance and attract the provisions of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
5. The above conditions will be enforced inter-alia, under the provisions of the Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public
Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and Rules.
1. Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Shastri
2. Secretary, Department of
Environment & Forests, Government of Jharkand, Secretariat,
3. Chief Conservator of Forests,
Regional office (EZ), Ministry of Environment & Forests, A/3
Chandrashekarpur, Bhubaneshwar – 751023.
4. Chairman,
5. Chairman, Central Pollution
Control Board, CBD-cum-Office Complex,
6. Member-Secretary, Central Ground
Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Curzon Road Barracks, A-2, W-3
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
7. District Collector, Chatra,
Government of Jharkand.
8. District Collector, Hazaribagh,
Government of Jharkand.
9. Monitoring File 9. Guard
File 10. Record File